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One of my favourite songs <3

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I don't even listen to the band too often, yet this song is one of my all-time favourites! Post ur favs? dey must be good or else i will ban you for good.






PS: I know there is a music subsection....but well it's not nearly visited enough for me to post a thread in there, baha!

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i liked it! i'm gunna look into test your reflex more i've never heard of them ^^


here's one of mine:


GOD i love pop punk and everyone knows fallout boy and panic! at the disco so i thought i'd share my next favorite that isn't from a platinum best selling band :)

P.S. the song ends at 3:50ish i dont know why the video keeps going its not that ling i swear D:

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I quite enjoy some Weezer. Especially Pinkerton, the whole album in general. ♪


If I had to pick one song, it would be El Scorcho. I'd link a video to it but...



(If you can see this, I'm on my phone.)

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Rise Against was one of my favorites for YEARS until Endgame and (most of) the album before it. I had the pleasure of seeing them roughly 15 times between 2004-2008 when no one really knew them, in small venues with like 300 kids, and you could walk up and talk to them after the show. Youll never be able to get that close to them anymore. I never say anyone sells out, but they totally pulled a Green Day. How do you go from "State of the Union" or "Black masks and gasoline" to HALLLLP IS ON DA WAYYYYYYY. They shouldve stayed on Fat Wreck Chords (Fat mike from NOFX's label) and kept making the music they wanted to, not be ported to Sony and made into something to sell to teen-angst-ridden hot topic customers.


Now for my contribution Ill post a few vids of people that I was huge fans of, and now work for and have befriended.


This is Murder By Death, most under rated band of the decade, incredible INCREDIBLE group. I tattoo their drummer ;)




This is Authority Zero, I tour, tattoo, do art work for, hang out, and Love these guys. I owe 90 percent of the big name music connections I have. They ♥♥♥♥ing rock.




This is Lionize, if anyone knows Clutch, its the guitarists Side project. I do the same thing for these guys as Authority Zero. Ironically they were touring with us as main Support, thats how I met them. Ive tattooed everyone in this band like 4 times haha. I did the tattoo on the keyboardists forearm, you can catch it for a split sec in the vid (all the color at 1:28). If you want a clearer pic ill link you to my FB.




And lastly, The Expendables, these guys are 100% DIY, and theyve gained considerable fame producing, distributing, and everything ALL BY THEMSELVES. Theyre regulars on Warped Tour and have toured with Authority Zero a ton. (starts of slow, then ♥♥♥♥ing BAD ♥♥♥ awesome guitar solos around 2:20) That and these guys sound just like they do on their albums. Look up this song after watching the live video lol. THATS GOOD MUSIC, and ITS NOT ON MTV!!!!




Major labels have never in the history of music done any GOOD for an artist who gained fame solely on writing original music, other than make them rich. Its sad how many artists will just jump in line with everyone else for a paycheck. Its also sad how the majority of the fans fall for their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.



Eat ♥♥♥♥ and DIE radio. You kill everything I love.

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