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Admin's abusing gag

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Ok, this is really becoming a big deal and want to get something said before admin abuse report has to be filed.


only 1 or 2 admin seem to think they can gag players, using mics to hender the wardens orders, example" terrorist mentions over mic it being a freeday repeatly" not mic spamming or do anything else against rules. simply stating its a freeday to confuse other T's and cause the CT's to lose control of the group


We have a couple of admin that like to gag players like this, instead using the proper way, of saying talk over warden you will get slayed or you will be killed if you are a T. and then when something is said about it to the Mods not being allowed to do this. they threaten to punish the individual further for some form of "disrespect" because when their decision was questioned and pointed out, by a player in a standard gamer way, "Are you stupid?", "what a dumb ass decision" or anything simple they can twist to be directed at them as mod and used to punish.

These same admins are the ones also being hostile on mic cussing violently, & making disrespectful comments towards players(worse then MajorB when being a terrorist.) usually when they are warden and doing the very same disrespectful things they are punishing the players on the server for. But they think it is ok because they have xG:M, Well it isn't If you expect to cuss at players, then expect to have the players do the same. Otherwise this is admin abuse and it needs to stop period. I plan to see a few comments from Mods hopefully the guilty 1 or 2 we want to learn from this with some bullshit excuse here shortly of why they do this, but fact is you are abusing admin, you can't just mute and gag players just because you dont want them to talk at all or dont personally like them, You have a job and a duty to up hold to make sure players follow rules, as well as yourself and abusing that should result in your demotion. You know who you are so clean your act up before some proof magically appears and your ass learns the hard way.


Don't think I am being an ass, I am just trying to point out mistakes and hope you learn from them and get better, cause trust me I wont give up trying, this is sorta what i do for xG find things wrong and point them out. If you think as a Mod you may have done this, then just acknowledge you were wrong and show us you will move forward to not repeat yourself.

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they threaten to punish the individual further for some form of "disrespect" because when their decision was questioned and pointed out, by a player in a standard gamer way, "Are you stupid?", "what a dumb ass decision" or anything simple they can twist to be directed at them as mod and used to punish.


I'm DONE with your bullshit.


A. You were gagged (or muted?) by Duke because you were spamming ITS A FREEDAY, even though it clearly wasn't. That was a spam issue, not a legal tarp issue.

B. I told you to stop disrespecting because over the mic you said (and I quote) "These faggot cts need to learn to do thier goddamn job." After I told you to stop, you said it wasn't disrespect because "an admin said worse over the mic one time you were on." Then you went to go on saying that mods need to stop abusing and should do thier job.

C. Show some goddamn proof for once in your career in xG. You see that little key called F12 in the top row of your keyboard? Yeah, that takes screenshots that you can upload to your steam profile so you can post it on the forums.

D. We were not wrong in any way. Your arrogance never seems to let up.

E. "Doing my job" would include me staying for an extra 20 minutes and waiting for you to use the word "faggot" or telling mods to learn how to do thier jobs another couple of times and banning you from the server for a day. I would have LOVED to do this, but I had to go make dinner.


P.S. If you're going to make an "admin abuse" topic in random about me, at least use/tag my name so I can get the notification you're talking smack about me behind my back. I would love to see the word HEISENBERG or CARISSIMI in your little rants; I enjoy tearing your spasmatic attacks to shreads.

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I'm DONE with your bullshit.


A. You were gagged (or muted?) by Duke because you were spamming ITS A FREEDAY, even though it clearly wasn't. That was a spam issue, not a legal tarp issue.

B. I told you to stop disrespecting because over the mic you said (and I quote) "These faggot cts need to learn to do thier goddamn job." After I told you to stop, you said it wasn't disrespect because "an admin said worse over the mic one time you were on." Then you went to go on saying that mods need to stop abusing and should do thier job.

C. Show some goddamn proof for once in your career in xG. You see that little key called F12 in the top row of your keyboard? Yeah, that takes screenshots that you can upload to your steam profile so you can post it on the forums.

D. We were not wrong in any way. Your arrogance never seems to let up.

E. "Doing my job" would include me staying for an extra 20 minutes and waiting for you to use the word "faggot" or telling mods to learn how to do thier jobs another couple of times and banning you from the server for a day. I would have LOVED to do this, but I had to go make dinner.


P.S. If you're going to make an "admin abuse" topic in random about me, at least use/tag my name so I can get the notification you're talking smack about me behind my back. I would love to see the word HEISENBERG or CARISSIMI in your little rants; I enjoy tearing your spasmatic attacks to shreads.


THIS, I dont give a fuck who cusses or swears in the server, omg. SPAMMING FREEDAY WHEN TOLD TO STOP THO ya your gonna get gaged. Being disresepctful to any player you'll be warned to stop. I personally am sick of hearing this shit from you POST YOUR FUCKING PROOF. Seriously we weren't in the wrong you need to get this shit that you NEVER break rules out of you head. You're hella disrespectful to other player ALL the god dam time. You seem to act like We werent having enough problems in a full server with only 2 mods on. People like you MAKE OUR WORK HARDER but yes please bring this "magical proof" of yours and set the record straight.



Also if you keep making threads like this i am going to make a Ban Request because personally i HATE having to deal with you while im trying to enforce the rules.

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See this is where your maturity shows.


You kids seem to think people are attacking you, when we are trying to point things out to help and get better at. The people who are in charge of you mods have seen the proof and are well aware of how you act, dont think because it isnt here in forums it doesnt exsist. If it goes here 99% chance says you dont learn shit because you will LOSE mod. they dont take admin abuse lightly in xG. SO i rather you learn and get better. No one said I dont break rules from time to time, or get upset, in fact im one of the first to admit when i am wrong, You need to calm down because "you are not tearing anything to shreads" you are showing how easily you blow up at a forum and maybe you do possibly get hot headed in game with out knowing it as a mod and make bad decisions from time to time but shit at least be an adult and learn something when you are wrong.




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1. If you wish to provide "proof" i will look at it untill that point you sir are a liar in my book.

2. You were not being abused on, YOU WERE SPAMING, Hence why you were gaged we had both told you to stop prior to that point.

3. Later that map you then told me and Carissimi to do our jobs, Which we were.

4. You cause problems in game for ALL Mods+. it isnt a simple isolated incident. You should take a lesson from old people "If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all" Bacisly it means if you gonna scream and cuss over mic stop and think "Hmm maybe i shouldnt be such an asshole and blame it on being a marine" Cause i Personally know a few marines and Navy. The fact of the matter is Yes they can be assholes BUT they are SMART enough to know when to be and when not to be.

5. Please stop acting as if i have done Horrible as being a mod. The fact is if i actually get angry over a video game i stop playing it and go do something else. Maybe you should try that.

6. And i am 100% serious if i see another thread such as this i am going to make a member protest(probly will not need to since you quit) and Ban request. Your presence causes problems.

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I'm DONE with your bullshit.


A. You were gagged (or muted?) by Duke because you were spamming ITS A FREEDAY, even though it clearly wasn't. That was a spam issue, not a legal tarp issue.

B. I told you to stop disrespecting because over the mic you said (and I quote) "These faggot cts need to learn to do thier goddamn job." After I told you to stop, you said it wasn't disrespect because "an admin said worse over the mic one time you were on." Then you went to go on saying that mods need to stop abusing and should do thier job.

C. Show some goddamn proof for once in your career in xG. You see that little key called F12 in the top row of your keyboard? Yeah, that takes screenshots that you can upload to your steam profile so you can post it on the forums.

D. We were not wrong in any way. Your arrogance never seems to let up.

E. "Doing my job" would include me staying for an extra 20 minutes and waiting for you to use the word "faggot" or telling mods to learn how to do thier jobs another couple of times and banning you from the server for a day. I would have LOVED to do this, but I had to go make dinner.


P.S. If you're going to make an "admin abuse" topic in random about me, at least use/tag my name so I can get the notification you're talking smack about me behind my back. I would love to see the word HEISENBERG or CARISSIMI in your little rants; I enjoy tearing your spasmatic attacks to shreads.


This, I thought you were leaving xG Major...lately I've seen you an awful lot though in admin abuse and other alike sections...


---------- Post added at 07:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 AM ----------


See this is where your maturity shows.


You kids seem to think people are attacking you, when we are trying to point things out to help and get better at. The people who are in charge of you mods have seen the proof and are well aware of how you act, dont think because it isnt here in forums it doesnt exsist. If it goes here 99% chance says you dont learn shit because you will LOSE mod. they dont take admin abuse lightly in xG. SO i rather you learn and get better. No one said I dont break rules from time to time, or get upset, in fact im one of the first to admit when i am wrong, You need to calm down because "you are not tearing anything to shreads" you are showing how easily you blow up at a forum and maybe you do possibly get hot headed in game with out knowing it as a mod and make bad decisions from time to time but shit at least be an adult and learn something when you are wrong.





If you think we're the "kids that get attacked" then you are not only wrong but possibly extraordinarily stupid. You're always the one that feels attacked right away for a little "you're disrespecting, please stop", on which regular users stop or get gagged/muted and don't complain afterwards.

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See this is where your maturity shows.


You kids seem to think I am attacking you, when I am telling you how to do your job and talking down to you. My condesention actually stems from the fact that I'm the one acting immature and at fault.


Kay dude. You obviously don't know what maturity even means, considering you rage at kids on css and call them "faggot" constantly.


And as for "being attacked", you were the ones saying we weren't doing anything right and we need to learn the rules. That is an attack.


Lol @blowing up on forums and being a hothead. I'm probably one of the most level-headed people on the server; it's just that when a 20 year old boy with a 4th grade education calls me out for stuff I didn't do wrong in the first place, I tend to get angry. Your argument is invalid and you have no proof. Get over it. Jackass

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Lol Carris just stfu, your ignorance is showing. It's pathetic you can't even take criticism and have to make slanderous comments about my education cause i assure you I will make you look like a fool if you want to compare intelligence. Do you have any degrees? I do in engineering. Have you even made it too or out of highschool yet. Next time before you open your mouth why dont you ask yourself, Do I even know what i'm commenting about other then to bitch about MajorB, Grow up and move on you cant hold shit against me cause I know how to move on and better myself, Wish you did but you cant you can tell by your post repeating the same thing over and over, As for being a moderator and claiming you are one of the most level headed admins, LMAO


GET OVER YOURSELF, you are one of the worse by far. You can say what you want about me but here let me give you a list of some actual level headed xG members, so you can stop kidding yourself and thinking you are one of them.





Billy Mays


King J








I can name a few more if you want, To even claim that you compare to any of these few names above is a joke in itself, because you are not at all level headed. You have to be a complete and utter fool to think otherwise, Name once where you have ever seen any of those names respond like you do,when you post commenting like the most level headed person ( aka Rage Posting). Grow up learn to improve from your mistakes and pull the dildo out your ass, cause I promise Im not going anywhere and my postings of your fuck ups aren't either. As for proof you must have the 4th grade mentality as you can't seem to understand properly I dont have to post proof for it to exsist, I can simply show an admin over you and never show it in forums and you can be demoted, It's wether or not i decide to let others in forum see it to verify you did fuck up and add input for wether you should be +1 or -1 for admin abuse. But if I go around that lame step and show the people above you, most likely they are gonna start watching you more. This isnt my first time in xG you clown I know how this place works, and how to handle mods who think they are untouchable, Just ask Ero if he ever comes back. My goal isnt to get anyone demoted its to teach mods how to value your position and maintain it properly by following MOTD or to boot your ass so the next guy can try. and from the looks of it, I'm betting I can get you demoted soon, as it's only a matter of time before you rage fuck yourself into admin abusing and make yourself look stupid for posting all these times trying to act like you were a good mod, cause you are nothing but a teenager that needs to learn when to shutup and move on instead of commenting about the same thing MajorB did wrong like you post everytime . So before you comment to this, step away from the computer for 5 mins and think maybe I should just ignore MajorB and try to learn from any mistakes other mods make to get better before I make a mistake myself and he really does post the PROOF and I do get demoted. Cause trust me if you continue to act like this it will happpen it's only a matter of time before you do.

The admins above you can vouche I know the rules and follow them pushing whats acceptable in game. Half of them vouched me into xG in the first place over a year in a half ago and I have been reporting in on shitty mods since then, so learn to act like the names above if you dont want threads about your shitty moderating skills.

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Lol Carris just stfu, your ignorance is showing. It's pathetic you can't even take criticism and have to make slanderous comments about my education cause i assure you I will make you look like a fool if you want to compare intelligence. Do you have any degrees? I do in engineering. Have you even made it too or out of highschool yet. Next time before you open your mouth why dont you ask yourself, Do I even know what i'm commenting about other then to bitch about MajorB, Grow up and move on you cant hold shit against me cause I know how to move on and better myself, Wish you did but you cant you can tell by your post repeating the same thing over and over, As for being a moderator and claiming you are one of the most level headed admins, LMAO


GET OVER YOURSELF, you are one of the worse by far. You can say what you want about me but here let me give you a list of some actual level headed xG members, so you can stop kidding yourself and thinking you are one of them.





Billy Mays


King J








I can name a few more if you want, To even claim that you compare to any of these few names above is a joke in itself, because you are not at all level headed. You have to be a complete and utter fool to think otherwise, Name once where you have ever seen any of those names respond like you do,when you post commenting like the most level headed person ( aka Rage Posting). Grow up learn to improve from your mistakes and pull the dildo out your ass, cause I promise Im not going anywhere and my postings of your fuck ups aren't either. As for proof you must have the 4th grade mentality as you can't seem to understand properly I dont have to post proof for it to exsist, I can simply show an admin over you and never show it in forums and you can be demoted, It's wether or not i decide to let others in forum see it to verify you did fuck up and add input for wether you should be +1 or -1 for admin abuse. But if I go around that lame step and show the people above you, most likely they are gonna start watching you more. This isnt my first time in xG you clown I know how this place works, and how to handle mods who think they are untouchable, Just ask Ero if he ever comes back. My goal isnt to get anyone demoted its to teach mods how to value your position and maintain it properly by following MOTD or to boot your ass so the next guy can try. and from the looks of it, I'm betting I can get you demoted soon, as it's only a matter of time before you rage fuck yourself into admin abusing and make yourself look stupid for posting all these times trying to act like you were a good mod, cause you are nothing but a teenager that needs to learn when to shutup and move on instead of commenting about the same thing MajorB did wrong like you post everytime . So before you comment to this, step away from the computer for 5 mins and think maybe I should just ignore MajorB and try to learn from any mistakes other mods make to get better before I make a mistake myself and he really does post the PROOF and I do get demoted. Cause trust me if you continue to act like this it will happpen it's only a matter of time before you do.

The admins above you can vouche I know the rules and follow them pushing whats acceptable in game. Half of them vouched me into xG in the first place over a year in a half ago and I have been reporting in on shitty mods since then, so learn to act like the names above if you dont want threads about your shitty moderating skills.


My response was so true sir MajorB did not have the whining to respond to it. GF, sir.

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1. Cari is no longer a Mod, he was PROMOTED to Admin.

2. No offense to people on the list but i have personal experience with most of them. But a few of them are not level headed.

3. You take about him rage posting when you were the one who rage quit the clan (but took it back within a day) Because i "Abused" you. When in fact i was 100% within my right as a Mod to mute you.

4. If you honestly wish every time we are on the server together i will start recording and show those higher up's how you treat people while they are not on, for in fact you are quiet rude to people in game.

5. I treat you like the rest of the people in the server. Yet you treat me and Cari like we are insects you can crush with the move of your hand.

6. If you have a such a problem with certain mods, the simplest solution to it is Do not play while they are on.

7. Even in your last post you show how little respect you have for certain members of xG, I have personally hated a few members but i just avoided them when possible, or have another member talk to them about it and get it settled like a civil person. Instead of being civil you take it to forums and act as if I, or Cari, have committed some horrible crime against you, when in fact we were enforcing server rules.

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I'm not trying to be offensive towards any one of you. You just have to understand I have fun monitoring the mods and server. Making sure xG maintains it's standards for our mods.


And unless it's in Admin Abuse, its just a random topic nothing to get mad about because usually you guys saying something rude or hostile towards me, usually causes me to fire back in the same fashion, and then we end up hating each other.


Instead just +1 if you acknowledge, I'm just trying to help xG maintain grooming standards of mods?


I also will work on being a less abrasive asshole towards you guys, if you feel me getting a bit rude, say GROUS~FRA~BA or w/e that adam sandler movie saying is. And I will laugh and catch on and chill out, got a deal xG members?



Deal or No Deal

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I'm not trying to be offensive towards any one of you. You just have to understand I have fun monitoring the mods and server. Making sure xG maintains it's standards for our mods.


And unless it's in Admin Abuse, its just a random topic nothing to get mad about because usually you guys saying something rude or hostile towards me, usually causes me to fire back in the same fashion, and then we end up hating each other.


Instead just +1 if you acknowledge, I'm just trying to help xG maintain grooming standards of mods?


I also will work on being a less abrasive asshole towards you guys, if you feel me getting a bit rude, say GROUS~FRA~BA or w/e that adam sandler movie saying is. And I will laugh and catch on and chill out, got a deal xG members?



Deal or No Deal


I'll just be soft on telling you to keep it down a bit. I'm ok with this.

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