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EdisonGlass member protest

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Your SteamID:Rabid_swan


Your Nick Name/In-Game Name:Rabid Turtle

Reason why you don't want this member in our community?Yells Member disrespects, mic spams constantly For instance "pooped on poop poop" is his newest mic spam i believe. Act's as if he's admin and then attempts to say you will be banned, He has no right to be in this clan for these reason's He has been in the clan for 2weeks and he thinks he has power over every 1, he thinks he is the clan leader, I dont want to this go on any longer. I am fed up with his bullshit.


His/her SteamID:Edisonglass (i believe)


His/her In-game/forum name?[xG] EdisonGlass {UMAD}

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I agree he does get annoying with all of his argueing and trolling. He also tends to rage in mumble and stuff then some days hes like relaxed and chil. He also tends to admin abuse and lie a lot. 2 Votes for his member protest

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It seems to me like you're just angry because you disrespected me in minecraft and I banned you for 24 hours. And It's not mic spam when I say "Pooped on" it's mic spam when you sit there and play full songs while there's still a round of jail break in progress. Also if you haven't noticed I say pooped on at the end of the round when all-talk is on. You're acting very childish right now and I seriously think you need to re-evaluate your actions.

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See edison that's the problem with you minecraft wasn't relevant to what i said, so you brought it up, trying to make your self sound like the better person here. iv'e been wanting to make this post for a while. just let the members decide. I dont want people having to suffer threw you, your a ignorant bastard.

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umm... ill wait a bit longer to vote lol... its kinda true he disrespect sometimes but i don't know if hes jokin or not cause he does it alot to me when he kills me O_O... but we'll let the other member decides how he does.. also rabid steam id is not the name of the player its like umm... Steam_x_xxxxxx numbers easily found in console while player in game by typing status

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How is it not relevant, you sat there and argued with me in minecraft over something you were clearly wrong about. By the by, I'm pretty sure you and your friend aram are the only people with the accusations at hand. You're also not helping your situation by calling me ignorant and misspelling words.... You're obviously not thinking about what your doing or saying.

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For somthing i post on the forums your going to ban me over minecraft? abuse? nice, What were we talking about in minecraft, elibrate please? I dont recall, i fail to see how misspelling words is put into here there is nothing wrong with it if you can make out what im saying it's fine, u don't have to be a idiot. Your just mad because i am speaking my mind, you obv dont want to be kicked out, Just Admit your wrong and this can be behind us, apologize and straiten your self up. Stop being disrespectful. enough said.


- Also how it's not relevant Is what i said in my post, this had nothing to do with minecraft, it's our community is focused around jailbreak, and you constantly yell in there. that's how it's not relevant

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I'm not going to argue with you anymore, I'm done trying to get my point across because you're obviously not going to comprehend. Just because you type a large paragraph doesn't mean it automatically makes sense and you suddenly have the word of reason. If you're going to argue against something, next time make sure you can make sense of what you said.

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for now if we count all +1 and -1 it's 1 for gettin edison out. he sometime disrecpect me and stuff (rages also) But i would go to getting him out. Yet.

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I disagree. I think Edison is a great xG member. Yes he can get annoying, but we all can. And turtle you have played songs over your mic as well. I found the whole "Sexygirl123" thing yesterday very annoying.


Summery: I like Edison, and I think he is a great member of xG. We all can get annoying but some do it more than others. Yes Edison is out there, but overall I think he isa very good member and someone who other people could learn from.

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this isnt related but.......ARAM GOT HIS MOM PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I appreciate the support guys and Arthman you got in trouble for freekilling me continuously the other day so I'm pretty sure your argument is invalid at this point lol

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