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Do you have a bass? I could show you the basics and have you playing pretty decently in a week. Its pretty damn simple.


I actually taught myself. It is completely simple but I no longer have a bass. D: Loved playing it though. :P

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I actually taught myself. It is completely simple but I no longer have a bass. D: Loved playing it though. :P


Its a fun instrument, the whole thing is entirely symmetrical, so if you learn a basic scale it can be played in the same formation anywhere on the fretboard, and you can basically play anything lol.

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1. My real life name is Nick.

2. I am Russian and can speak fluently.

3. I am currently top in my class.

4. At time's I still struggle with my semi-recent break up. But xG really makes me laugh at the end of the day.

5. I need to get out of my town. Plan on moving to NYC after college.

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1.I love WOLVES if could buy one and keep it forever i would


2.Ive been to juvey twice (Not Fun)


3.Im in 9th grade


4.I hate pie


5.I dont like tv at all

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1.i love wolves if could buy one and keep it forever i would


2.ive been to juvey twice (not fun)


3.im in 9th grade


4.i hate pie


5.i dont like tv at all



lol... #2 :s

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1.I love WOLVES if could buy one and keep it forever i would


2.Ive been to juvey twice (Not Fun)


3.Im in 9th grade


4.I hate pie


5.I dont like tv at all


For 1. You can buy a wolf hybrid, or a dog that looks similar to a wolf, trust me I've already been looking into buying one, there's a farm near my house that sells wolfdogs, wolf-hybrids. :3 .. also #5.. I do not nsee that XD

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Its a fun instrument, the whole thing is entirely symmetrical, so if you learn a basic scale it can be played in the same formation anywhere on the fretboard, and you can basically play anything lol.


I skipped right into learning a song. I learned ... um.. >.< Oh! Don't stop believing. So much fun. :D

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1. Im 6'1"

2. I love soccer so much I would rather play it the rest of my life then marry a woman. ;)

3. I'm an average teen, not a smart kid but not ignorant.

4. I smoke weed on occasion.

5. I am an outgoing and fun person to be around, I make a lot of people laugh. :)

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1. I'm 6'2 215lbs, I am still growing according to the doctors I currently vist.


2. I'm very Irish, stereotypically so.


3. I've been an active gamer since I was 5, starting with Diablo 1(I'm 18 now!).


4. I have 786 hours logged on CS:S and 507 hours logged into TF2 between my two accounts(Even more if I counted my third which I lost ages ago!).


5. I play World of Warcraft my server is Bronzebeard and I'm an 85 Hunter/Warrior/Warlock/Death Knight all are geared enough to do Dragon Soul

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