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Post 5 facts about yourself.

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Alright, so I wanted to get to know my xG Members even more! So I'll start it out. ^_^


1. I cannot succeed in being a Heavy, ever.


2. I love eating lamb, so much.


3. I'm 5'4" 1/2. :3


4. My favourite animals are Penguins and Wolves.


5. I cannot stand to be ignored when I ask a simple question. :D


Your turn guys :3

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1. Best animal in the world is a bunny or a kitteh i cant choose between the cuteness!!!!


2. I have video proof of Ms Snackbar beating Rabid and will upload it upon request!


3. I smoke weed.


4. i'm 6"2 and have been since freshmen year in highschool


5. I make random voices and sounds when im sitting alone in a team speak channel :3

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1. I'm 5'7, 130 lbs.


2. Average in school 85-90s.


3. Favorite animals are dogs.


4. I move a lot, just can't seem to find our place. Lived all over Canada, lived in the USA for three years.


5. My last girlfriend is a dyke bitch.

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1. I used to work at Five Guys Burgers & Fries, but now work as a Birthday Party host at the Charleston Edmond Fromage (Fancier way of saying Chuck E Cheese)


2. I speak Japanese (Been learning from myself and classes for about 4 years)


3. I may suck at playing CSS and other shooter games, but chances are I might kick your ass at Dance Dance Revolution (Playing DDR for about 9 years)


4. I'm 6'0" and favorite animal is a jackal :3


5. I wanted to become a professional chef or the next Steve Jobs when I was in High School lol

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1. I donate blood as often as I can.

2. Haven't gotten my driver's liscence yet, but I'm getting it next month hopefully.

3. I like guns :D and I love discussing them even more.

4. The only times I've been banned/kicked from xG servers are results of a joke or me accdiently banning myself >.<

5. One time in 2nd grade I was sent to the principal's office for licking the entire hallway wall on my way to lunch. No joke. Don't ask me why I did, I don't remember :P

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1. 6'7, last i checked, prob 6'8 by now


2. its rly hard for me to hold grudges against someone IRL, i unknowingly get over it like a week later


3. favourite animals are canines in general, large cats (tigers and lions and shit), and dragons if they were real


4. i think i may be into vore, but only a very specific kind


5. i cant stand losing, not a sore loser but i do not like to lose

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Phew here we go, some of my deepest Darkest Secrets >_>


1: I'm a complete hypocrite.


2: I've never really "Loved" anyone


3: I've only ever had 4 Sexual Partners (excluding the one I am currently going out with.)


4: When I was 9 my (Step) Uncle tied me to a chair, and drew swastika's all over my chest.


5: My first Girlfriend committed suicide, because of an argument we both had.

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1. My favorite modern day animal is a fox or an owl. But i prefer prehistoric species.

2. I love dinosaurs. I intend on becoming a paleontologist.

3. I'm not a very happy person in real life.

4. I like furries

5. I'm 5'6 i believe


---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------


1. Best animal in the world is a bunny or a kitteh i cant choose between the cuteness!!!!


2. I have video proof of ms snackbar beating rabid and will upload it upon request!


3. I smoke weed.


4. I'm 6"2 and have been since freshmen year in highschool


5. I make random voices and sounds when im sitting alone in a team speak channel :3


upload dat <3

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1. My favorite modern day animal is a fox or an owl. But i prefer prehistoric species.

2. I love dinosaurs. I intend on becoming a paleontologist.

3. I'm not a very happy person in real life.

4. I like furries

5. I'm 5'6 i believe


---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------



upload dat <3



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One time in 2nd grade I was sent to the principal's office for licking the entire hallway wall on my way to lunch. No joke. Don't ask me why I did, I don't remember :P




1: I'm 5'8 1/4


2: I'm a 400 meter provincial champ (Running), Play Rep A soccer, Triple A basketball, & Rep A Hockey


3: I live in canada


4: I'm in Grade 10


5: I get frusturated easily when playing a sport, & people are being dumbass's during the game.

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1. I'm 6'3" (Curse you Serbian!)

2. I'm clinically depressed.

3. I'm an award-winning screenwriter.

4. My IQ is 151.

5. I'm more than a little sure I posted in this exact same thread several months ago.

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