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An Appeal to Player Expectations...

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Can we please put in writing that

1) Admins/Mods cannot slay people based on mere accusations

2) People who constantly spam admin chat with accusations will be Kicked/Banned


I'm not saying that people shouldn't let us know who to watch; otherwise we wouldn't know to go into spec/to watch the players. But some people will not stop messaging us until we do something about it; and when things don't go their way they make admin abuse threads and complain on the forums.


I feel like nobody knows this fact, or how the administration actually works, and that I have to explain it and repeat it numerous times whenever I play.


I moderate during the peak of the server (Full 55/55) and I think it would save me and the other moderators who play during this time (Trif/Ben Dover/Mohammad) a lot of headache if this were the case. Unfortunately, when you have such a small pool of moderators at this time, as opposed to when the server is at half capacity, there are a lot of things we cannot watch, and we definitely need to come to a greater understanding with the populace.


I would have to say that the main problem with the way things are is that people do not understand the concept of judiciary fairness; a lot of the time people think we are friends on the internet, and so they will message me in admin chat specifically saying "Smoker someone just free killed me, slay them!" and expect me to do certain things because we are "friends". Even though I have explained the rules to the innumerable times, they take it personally as if we aren't cool with each other, and they get angry and then keep spamming me until I have to explain to them exactly why I cannot slay a CT just because someone complains to me. When I finally gag them, they start spamming me through steam chat.


Moderators cannot simply slay people due to accusations; the very best we can do is watch over the perpatrator next round to check for freekilling/rule breaking.


When people don't get things their way, they take it personally; as if I think their opinion doesn't matter, or that I like the CT more than I like the person who got freekilled.


I want people to stop taking things so personally, and that's why I have removed most people from my friends list so that they do not try and leverage our "friendship" to get things the way they want.


That's exactly what happened with SonicBlitz; he thought we were friends enough from months of playing together that if he told me to do something, that I would do it.


This is not how things work; favoritism works both ways, and the moderators cannot, and will not, cater towards their friends in this manner unless we want the server to die.


So Please, this is as much an appeal to the Head Administration as it is to the Player Base;


1. Fix the MotD to expressly state that Moderators/Admins cannot rely on accusations to moderate

2. Please be more considerate and relaxed? The fact that I now need to worry about admin abuse threads because I cannot moderate 50+ people at the same time is very disconcerting. We moderators do our best to make this server fun and enjoyable; the only thanks we get is complaints that we aren't doing our job.

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i agree with your general idea, but you should know that you should be in spectate when server is full.


I'm sorry, I never see you in our servers when I play, what is your In-Game Name?


I spec when I am in the server about 33% of the time. I find that my method is far more effective then sitting in spectate all round long.


My method of moderation is as follows;


1) I warden when Server is full and I eliminate incompetent CTs by baiting them with my rules to see who is listening and who isn't. I can, on average, identify 4-5 CTs who don't know the rules by this method, EVERY round.


It makes it easier to eliminate baiters and gunplanters when I have full vision of the Terrorists, and I can control them better which allows for a better view of who is contributing to the mayhem.


When other CTs are warden and the round devolves into freedays/wardays/etc, it is significantly harder to determine when someone gets freekilled or not. Additionally, incompetant wardens will often lose control of the terrorists and the ensuing mayhem makes it impossible to determine when wrong doing is going on.


2) After I have eliminated the first round of incompetant CT's, I switch over to the Terrorist team to see who really knows the rules. When a warden says "Freeze", I jump and crouch and knife to see who knows what a "Freeze" actually is. As soon as I die (almost immediately), I start spectating the round and looking for people who are breaking the rules. I will spend a few rounds here, eliminating the CT who freekilled me along with anyone I catch in spectate.


3) When I get enough complaints about a particular CT and not just isolated accounts from people who don't know the rules, I stay in spec and watch the offenders; slay/ban accordingly. By this time, I start the whole process over again from 1 to refine the CT team.

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what double said, if the servers full or close to full, the admins that are in jb should be spectating and not playing the server, that way, ull be able to moderate the server a lot better than u would from running around

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"1. Fix the MotD to expressly state that Moderators/Admins cannot rely on accusations to moderate"

I'm sure this is just common sense... Tho many do not understand. I had this happened to me a few times already, I would come into a server with a different name and just play and watch how moderators/admin are doing.. So than in surf.. I was accused of spawn killing someone and when they spam admin chat the moderator in that server slayed me... so i told him not to slay based on what people tell you or accuse another of doing unless you have visual proof or seen it yourself. I've told many mods already not to do anything without seeing it.I Don't really believe adding that to the motd will change anything. Many of our mods/admins already know not to take action based on what people say or accused of doing.


Also, If the server is close to full you'll have a better chance at moderating in spectate because you can watch everyone (most of the time). But if you don't wish to constantly have to spectate just to watch because you want to play... Might as well play as a Ct Only if you are able to moderate while playing.. As in watching everyone and going off to see who's not with the T's. That's what i usually do when i'm the only admin around.. I play while moderating. But i suggest most spectates because when i play.. Moderators on the Ct's team does not really moderate but play.. i'd say they moderate at a 15% while playing.

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Can we please put in writing that

1) Admins/Mods cannot slay people based on mere accusations

2) People who constantly spam admin chat with accusations will be Kicked/Banned



Definitely should be in the MOTD, it should be thrown right on their faces. I see a lot of "Admins don't care about freekilling" WAY TOO MUCH.

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Mods/Admins should know by now that they need to see it happen to slay someone & when the server is full, go to spectate mode instead of in game as Duckii & Serbian said.


If anything, if there's multiple complaints about a person freekilling or whatever, they can talk to the person and keep an eye on them if they mess up.

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if someone is getting accused of freekilling... investigate. Don't just slay, and don't just ignore. Ask both the accuser and accused their sides of the story, or else nothing will be accomplished. 9/10 the CT will explain the reason why he killed the T, whether it is wrong or not, then you can get on with the day either with the slay, or to explain to the T what he did wrong that he doesn't realize.

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I Don't really believe adding that to the motd will change anything. Many of our mods/admins already know not to take action based on what people say or accused of doing.


Its more like I think it should be there for the players. I should definitely hope that most of our mods/admins know this rule, but it seems like 90% of the players are surprised that we cannot slay just because they tell us things.


You may be right that this won't change anything, but if it is in the MOTD atleast we can tell them to read the MOTD when they get upset at us instead of having to explain in chat over and over again.


if someone is getting accused of freekilling... investigate. Don't just slay, and don't just ignore. Ask both the accuser and accused their sides of the story, or else nothing will be accomplished. 9/10 the CT will explain the reason why he killed the T


Can I slay people who fuck up their explanations/reasons?


Also, a lot of CT's lie; if I can catch a CT lying, can I immediately team ban/switch them?

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So how about we just add. "Do not SPAM the admin chat if you were freekilled but let the admin knows that you were freekilled and tell them the name of the freekiller and let them handle the rest" ?

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So how about we just add. "Do not SPAM the admin chat if you were freekilled but let the admin knows that you were freekilled and tell them the name of the freekiller and let them handle the rest" ?


I feel like we already punish people for spamming; I really just want to drive the point home that we can not, and will not, rely upon accusations.


The problem that I encounter is that so many people expect that if they AdminChat "_________ FREEKILLED ME", that they will be slayed immediately; this gets incredibly annoying when we go into spec and start investigating and then the same Terrorist spams admin chat until they get kicked. Sometimes when I say "We are watching him" to them, they say stuff like "WOW ADMINS DON'T GIVE A SHIT" or "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" which isn't outright disrespect; but needs to be deterred.


We need greater allowed punishment for repeat admin chat spammers; because there is very little penalty for spammers as it is and we often get swamped by it since the offenders know that they will simply get kicked or gagged for a few minutes.

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but it seems like 90% of the players are surprised that we cannot slay just because they tell us things.


Can I slay people who fuck up their explanations/reasons?


Also, a lot of CT's lie; if I can catch a CT lying, can I immediately team ban/switch them?



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+1 for these two rules.


But I agree with everyone else too; If the server is almost full or if someone accuses a CT you should go to spec. It really helps weed out the bad CTs so you can go back to playing. But I know how much you love to be a CT so this might not work out :( I'd just ask another mod+ to spec CTs in that case.

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Honestly I doubt it would make a difference if you add it or not lol, regardless if a T gets "freekilled" and puts in admin chat, the odds of the T that got freekilled to rewrite the same message over and over again is likely. I just say if they put it in admin chat, go spec the freekiller for the round being and next round, but before you do you should private message the T that got freekilled "I'm sorry that you might've gotten freekilled but I didn't see it, I will watch him more carefully next round." They should come with an reply as "ok" , "kk" or whatever they say...You move from there and repeat unless Everything is fine. Since I got mod I would go to Jb to find the server about 45+ and see the mods/admins playing, I don't blame them, yet staying in Spec may get boring and you might not catch everything going on suppose to be in-game and actually seeing everything reveal in front of you. I don't blame the mods/admins, it a fcuking hard job without a doubt...

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