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Request to Impeach Duckii

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I can't vote but this is just ridiculous. I know every ones gossip in this clan. So I mean.


Duckii was probably the best co leader we had. At one point.


she Unbanned him after all of that. with no reprocutions. Honestly s(he) doesn't give even the tiniest shits about any of you. Even the ones sticking up for her. She doesn't care about xg and she has no right to. It's obvious, we've all seen it. Herpes even you know she doesn't care anymore.


Truth is truth. Face Facts or don't post. You need to work for your clan and not just your friends.

This is why I left.▲



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I like to see this clan as a "family".....we have the good times and obviously the bad times, we all fight its part of human nature...but really guys EVERYONE has a say in what they believe in and shouldn't be critizied in any way shape or form. duckii does her/his idgaf very well i think and so do all other Co-Leaders and Admins. we all need to take a god damn chill pill and have a good time.... honestly i havent been having the best of weeks but im not taking it out on anyone i just keep my cool and have a good time with my xG "family" why cant we all just get along?


-sorry noticed obvious mistakes in my typing-

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I have no real vote in this mainly because i joined xG about 2 weeks ago.


However i did play a while back when neteX (i did read your post Xavien) did play back in around August.

The community did change in my opinion when i stopped playing for a good 4 months (only guy i recognized when i got back was trif ^^)


Anyways back to Duckii, i PERSONALLY have not ran into any problems with her. I am usually on Jailbreak alot and for that reason i do not see her alot. But when i did, she did get sensitive but she always went back to normal quickly.


Just throwing my word out there if anyone cares to read this or not

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I like to see this clan as a "family".....we have the good times and obviously the bad times, we all fight its part of human nature...but really guys EVERYONE has a say in what they believe in and shouldn't be critizied in any way shape or form. duckii does her/his idgaf very well i think and so do all other Co-Leaders and Admins. we all need to take a god damn chill pill and have a good time.... honestly i havent been having the best of weeks but im not taking it out on anyone i just keep my cool and have a good time with my xG "family" why cant we all just get along?


-sorry noticed obvious mistakes in my typing-


Right on, I love the whole "family" idea; however, I can't say crap since I'm not a member...So screw me :/

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Ok, Well it seems many of you question my behavior and such but i have nothing to say.



She ALWAYS does this kind of stuff. She argues with me and other people for no reason and when she knows she's losing an argument, she'll resort to trolling or disrespect. ~ Trif


So i always do this kind of stuff you say? and i argue with you and other people with out any reasons at all and resort to trolling/disrespecting if i'm losing a argument? I have my own reason for arguing and such. But you sir quite don't understand when to give it up when you begin to loser. I disrespect those who attacks constantly. I may not have proof because it was awhile back but its just my words against yours and those other 2 who you have ganged up against me. I've been here awhile i do what i think would help and when i'm wrong i will stop.



Lets her emotions get in the way of being co-leader. I joke around a lot and she takes whatever I say seriously (I have screenshots of this, look below) Trif


Whats the point of those screen shots there? So do i act like a robot and do everything like a robot? "I joke around a lot and she takes whatever I say seriously" lets try reversing that than? if your going to say that may i use it 2? how would i know you were joking and how would you know when i'm joking? Seeing how both side cannot be proven correct or wrong i see no reason adding this.



- Calls other people immature when she's immature herself. Not to mention she always spams chat with "Snail Invasion" even when other people tell her to stop. Trif


Please let me know who i said was immature? I don't remember telling everyone they're immature. Also, i do admit to spam snail invasions in-game but i object that people actually tell me to stop. Clearly this is only your thoughts of trying to attack me and remove me from the clan



Barely does her duties, and when she does, she overreacts - joshi3


How would you know what i'm doing? and how do you know i overreact? i've only played with you a couple of time and your going to post something as if you've played with me alot?




She is always arguing with group members/the moderating staff. She never is doing her duties correctly, and complains that mods or admins are never doing theirs. It is a two way street if you want to set a precedent you should do your job so the mods and admins can have a role model to follow. - Kenny


All i see in this is just what you feel. let me repeat myself, I've been here for awhile i know what i am doing at most times. When i argue it's something to do with moderating. Tbh most of our moderators are good but not perfect and who said we have to be perfect?I just let them know when its right to use power and when its wrong in my opinions. So everything i have ever done in xG was all wrong? and you think you can do any better? If your going to try to use the rules against me shall i do the same? Alright lets begin.. You always come in the server and spam with that high pitch voice of yours. you Talk trash all the time to people you don't like and people who aren't so great at the game. And i heard rumors of you coming on to the server late at night when no others are on and spam your mic with music and when players ask of you to stop you just reply "Butthurt". I do not have proof but like i said it's just a rumor.

I'm not implying i'm any better.



, Not active, comes here and there in the servers, Causes problems. Fights with every 1, Doesn't know how to admit when wrong. Does not come on ts, Barley post's on forums, Maybe makes a here and there, but yah. a big fat - Rabid


You sir cannot speak of activity, if you would like to ask people of my activity than you may, I have been in other servers you hardly play on. I've been playing Surf - Mg - GG - Dr - and Dm recently.. People who speak of my activity are most likely those who are speaking of jailbreak. I sometimes play Tf2 but not all the times? who said i have to be on every server everyday?


And skydaddy... You.. i don't even understand why you're still around. If i wanted i would have banned you not to long ago. You constantly Disrespect non stop. You just don't seem to care at all. And the time you failed and ban yourself because herpes kicked you for disrespect and than you ban yourself tho probably meant to ban herpes with this reason "not if i go ban you first. now go cry to duckii bitch" this shows how good you are.


I've been around for awhile, I do indeed care about the clan. But i've made it seem as if i don't and i do apologize but i see nothing that can be helped. My forum activity has been dying because i had nothing to say really and i've been only paying attention to member and report section. But it seems others have already handle the problems most of the time and that's why i have't post. I just can't see anyway to be with xG and have fun at the same time anymore (don't think it the wrong way i do try and help the clan and not only have fun) but you guys all know you want to have fun while working. But it's just gotten hard to have any fun while working when i was a co - leader with obvious reasons.


Trif - Kenny - Skydaddy.. I just .. just can't.. really say anything about you guys but BADDIES.. You guys think about winning to much. you guys think you are tough and better than the rest of us. If your going to attack me as a group than go ahead but i have the right to defend myself.. Why must you leave all the things you guys have done out and make it seem like i'm the bad person? i don't get it? try being honest for once. Trif.. you disrespect me many times so in-self defense i will attack back.

Kenny .. You are just annoying.. Screaming when you do bad and telling everyone they're bad tho you are the bad one. You blame your failures on others and the server.

skydaddy.. nothing to say

OH hey remember the time when all 3 of you attacked me because you all hated me for being right in most arguments and giving out punishment when its right? Already know that you won't admit it but its just what i have to say. Like the time when i scrimmed with you guys. The whole game all you guys really did was attack me and i did nothin at all.. i would have banned you guys but than you guys would go crying to aegean and just cause even more problems.


Oh did i forget to mention you rabid?

Rabid.. You are a constant troll in my eyes and a few others possible many not sure. You think you can play it out as if you've done nothing wrong? It's simple to see through what you say due to problems you have done. You sir are just annoying. OH remember the time when you said "I have not trolled xG" ? should really try to erasing that :3


Well, all i do now is just leave and let the community do as they please. the point is in fact to have fun. Everything i've done was to help but it seems its no longer needed. So I will just leave and let you guys handle everything as a community. But my only opinion is.. It's going to get stricter and stricter and the fun will be lost. After i have left the first time, i rejoined the clan because a few told me they needed help.. and such so i rejoined just to help. So good day to you all and good bai.. You probably won't see me anymore since i will not be playing in a server with annoying players such as kenny trif skydaddy and Rabid.

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Firstly I hope this doesn't end up getting closed. Ok I've known her since bout last summer and she has changed..not in a bad neither good way. She still the same Duckii I always knew. The main reason everyone wants to impeach Duckii is because she is not on TeamSpeak, Forums, or in-game...you guys need to get the facts straight shes not the type of person to like JailBreak, if you obviously knew her she's more a surf, pub, mini game type of girl. I'm not saying her playing there is good or bad but you cant judge someone because they aren't active in the server you play in. Like everyone is saying there are more than just the notorious JailBreak server. I am thinking the reason she is not on Team Speak is mostly likely the case of her insecurity, im not lying she might not want to talk to certain people because they know shes a girl and they think different of her, they might try and "creep" on her. EX: Tarin was a sick son of a gun, idk if this affected duckii but .. We have other girls in our community as well, they might feel more comfortable than her but that doesn't make her inactive because of how she feels. As for the clan tag and naming, she does it purposely to go undercover and watch the server, and she told me "to watch the mods/admins to see if they aren't doing their job" clearly she cares enough when she changes her name...as for Forums, idk about that.

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"I will not be playing in a server with annoying players such as Kenny, Trif, Skydaddy, and Rabid.


I guess we could say the same about you. I love how you let everyone know how you feel about us as soon as you leave. Whatever though, you were always the one who never confronted anyone about anything and did things for no reason (kicking Skydaddy for no reason, having a personal vendetta against someone doesn't mean you can abuse admin).


I don't even wanna reply to any of your points because you're leaving, my eyes already hurt from the wall of text above.



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