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New Spray Rules

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New Spray Rules


The consequences of sprays that are against the rules will be asked to be changed. If they are not changed it proceeds to a short ban. If not changed after this further actions will be taken.


No Nudity: Any spray containing nudity will not be tolerated. This includes breasts, genitals or any other parts considered by an admin.


No Racism: Any spray that includes any form of racism will be prohibited. Such examples are racial slurs or racist images.


No Discrimination: Any spray attacking another group is against the rules. This will include attacking disabled people or attack a single sex.


Any spray that an admin considers prohibited will be included in these rules.


I am accepting other ideas so I can change this.

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I don't get it, are you proposing new rules or are you making new rules or someone told you to post this or what? ._., but yeah i agree with all of them, even tho most of them already apply lol

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I also think that there should be no sprays that offending Mods, like "xG sucks", no hating, you know what I mean, I hope. xD;

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I remember being here back when the "No Nudity" rule wasn't here/un-inforced. I miss that spray.


Erm. Being a hitler is not really the way to attract people to the servers, I say we have a small deterant on the spraying rules. Mick, you had some good ideas bud. +.5 (omg he didn't make a full +1 :o )

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+1...? no nudity, racism etc. in sprays just adding the specific rule of no racism/discrimination...we need that so people are more clear.

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