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The rebel indicator flaws.

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�[xG] �Rus is now a rebel.

[xG] Dexter killed Rus with m4a1.


I in all honesty think this rebel thing should be taken off because it makes it so hard for terrorists to rebel. It's also like a snitch cause you can never rebel.. I got killed earlier for throwing a grenade that I wanted to get out of my hand and then it hit a ct and with the rebel thing they were able to see who threw the grenade and was able to kill me. This system should be uplifted from the server.

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are you crazy, to rebel you need to be quick and fast with no errors, if you are going to rebel then who cares what a little things says like [xG] �Rus is now a rebel. If you rebel its your own fault and if you do rebel you better be bring that hole ct down!

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also the rule is that you have to physically see someone rebel to be able to kill them, this "Dexter is now a rebel" just contradicts that rule, so it is +1 for me to remove this


You are right about you having to see them do it, but also when that does happen the T that become that rebel did something to become a rebel. Its hard to say to take it off or not. It goes both ways, It can help the CT out and sometime things happen, and basically rats on the T.

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No Dexter I find it easy to say to take it off because I strongly disapprove of it. It's contradicting a rule and once a CT sees that "namehere" is a Rebel, they shoot them on sight. And not all Terrorists would "rat" or "snitch" on the T's if there wasn't this system.

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also the rule is that you have to physically see someone rebel to be able to kill them, this "Dexter is now a rebel" just contradicts that rule, so it is +1 for me to remove this


I agree with this noob <3

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How it can work is that ct's can only see when one of their own die, but not by who. But if a T dies, we can see who killed the ct just so we can point fingers on freekillers but not rebellers

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