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Codfreak getting mod..

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So everyone place your bets on how long he has it until it gets taken away. I bet about 2 days. Oh, and how did he go about paying for it? Did he like, steal his moms credit card or some shit?

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Listen, skylar k is a good guy. Just because he is slightly younger than most of xG doesn't make him a bad person. If he abuses his powers then he shall get it removed, like all the others. Gotta give everyone a chance people!

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I do agree. How many mods does this clan have right now? 10+?


Lol. A lot more than that :p But I don't see anything wrong with that. We don't have "too many" mods. I'm still on a lot of the times where there aren't any.

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Frist this is what mainly kinda got me angry steal my moms credit card dude I have a job. Don't get paid like a lot I just save money. Second I agree with subb if I don't deserve mod ill get it taken away guys colorful and I think sgt. Blu has already warned me. "One mess up your getting mod taken away". So if I abuse take it away its not like imma ban everyone I don't hate anyone in the community. The worst thing I could do is slay some one on accident and ill get my powers taken away for that. Really you shouldn't be worried bout me and no offense to tibera I think his name is he is the bigger problem. So yeah like I said ill get mod taken away if I don't deserve it period. So end of conversation and this thread if I'm able to keep mod then you know that I don't abuse. Then again if I get it taken away well yeah you know bout that. So if you hate me so be it cuz I'm at the point of not careing anymore. its just getting reppetive what you are saying and I don't really care. Btw subb thanks for not being a dick about this.

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Guys, he donated & got mod, he helped us out, by giving us money. If he abuses, it goes away, end of story. He didn't earn it, but he got it. Leave him alone, & get over it.

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