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*NEW GAME* Ask a old fucker...

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Ask me anything. I just turned 33 and I have done and thought pretty much everything you have already. Only thing is when you ask a REAL question, you have to admit ONE REAL embarrassing thing. Be honest or this wont work and I will just ask the thread to be closed. I am doing this cause all the members here are basically young and you would be surprised how much you all have in common.


Learn from my mistakes or follow them.


Up to you.


*Ice breaker here* I got so drunk I emptied my bladder and my ass into my underwear while I was still semi conscious and at the time I didn't care. Though sneaking the underwear off and throwing them away is a spy mission in itself and the clean up sucks.

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hot story. i was eating....


If you did a spit take with your cereal or vomited and then caused a chain reaction with the rest of your family and they started puking... then my friend it was totally worth the pair of underwear. :snowman:

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*NEW GAME* Ask *AN old fucker...


My question, you're 33, why don't you use proper grammar. Baddie<3


Because I never finished High School I dropped out. I have my GED. Also, its the Xeno gamers forums where you all talk about ponys and buttsecks. I shoud make sure my grammar is correct? Also I think it funny when someone questions proper grammar they make sure their post is correct. Though I am sure I could find countless posts from you all that have worse grammar than me.


---------- Post added at 05:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ----------


How many jobs have you had? Did you like them? What is your current job?


I have had MANY jobs. When I first started I had a paper route and it was BALLS. I hated it. Then when I was 15 I worked at Six Flags: Great America. That jobs was equally balls except I could get into the park for free. I never wanted to go working there all the time though lol. I had a few fast food jobs then I was running away from home all the time and eventually went to jail.


The job I work now is awesome I answer the phones for a company that dispatches messages for Doctors and on call people like HVAC and plumbers. Its very chill. Some times it gets busy and stressful but I like it.

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LOL, I love you <3


Btw, Remember that one conversation we had, were you drew me that wonderful penis with cum going into my eye? Good days <3

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You motherfucker. You create a shitty thread like the fucking ^banned thread. Then you leave for forever. Then you come back and make a NEW shitty thread. You sir, are a penis. I am impressed by your ability to make many mushroom stamps on these forums. I applaud your efforts. But i will kill you.

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You motherfucker. You create a shitty thread like the fucking ^banned thread. Then you leave for forever. Then you come back and make a NEW shitty thread. You sir, are a penis. I am impressed by your ability to make many mushroom stamps on these forums. I applaud your efforts. But i will kill you.


You loved that thread. You will love this one. I left because I lost my job and moved. I am good now though thanks for asking.

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What's your current housing situation?


I share a house with 2 others. Though I have my own entrance and such. I don't see them much either so it works out fine.


---------- Post added at 12:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------


What attracted you to Naruto? Do you have any other animes that interest you?


I have been watching anime since before I knew what it was. Thunder cats.. so on. Had Japanese animators. When Adult Swim first started I got back into anime more with Cowboy Bebop and Trigun then eventually Fullmetal Alchemist. I remembered watching old episodes of DBZ before they were televised and Tenchi Muyo. I got hooked on harem comedys. I also ofcourse watched all the classic movies. Akira, Fist of the North Star, Ninja scroll..etc


I like Naruto because he gets shit on so much and always comes back with a good attitude and always felt for him. So I stuck with it. I shed a tear when he met his mom and dad threw the chakra they left in him.

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So... why did you made all the shitty mistakes in your youth? Were you like the other kids with no grasp of what reality in the work force is? Or were you one of those kids who didn't give a fucked. Also, do you regret any decisions you made in your youth?

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