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Is this even legal? D:

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How is it possible to go from extremely happy one moment and then when someone doesn't want to go ALL the way across a school campus to get something for them, they get really angry and start yelling at you?

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You can even wish to a genie on how to learn how women work, and he couldn't even grant it.



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Okay let me describe in detail and tell me if you see if i did something wrong here.


Have to leave school because my mom came to pick me up.


she bruises herself with her clarinet.


asks me to get her a bandaid from the office all the way across campus and bring it back.


mother is yelling at me over phone.


have to leave so politely say i can't.


get yelled at on both ends.



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prob shouldve gotten the bandaid, ur mom would have be mad but she'll get over it cause u live with her and see her all the time, ur gf, however, u dont see her all the time (compared to ur mother) and it wouldve been better for get her the bandaid to show her u care for her, or u couldve told her to MAN THE FUCK UP AND STOP BEING A PUSSY!!, lol but ya


or get her this:


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LOL Serb... not getting her that, I'm still crying from laughing when i hear about girls with those, because my IRL friend bought his GF one because he went on vacation so he couldn't be there to have sex with her.


---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:47 PM ----------


Problem solved.

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