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I come from Team3k, and I have decided to leave them... (my name was Elmer J. Fapp)


I used to have high hopes for the evolution of their servers/clan. But recently they have been not gaining members through their servers and wasting a lot of money. I also see many flaws in what they do with the servers and no one seems to care. I was a Minecraft admin on Health100's Teamk Survival, but they really aren't taking care of it.


I joined team3k because I had some friends in there, I would agree with their hate xG, but I had no experience with you guys, so I come today as a friend and hoping you will respect the fact that I made the mistake of joining Team3k. I plan to play on your servers once again( I wasn't on due to T3k boycott) but I hope to make some better friends here. I am at school right now, but will be on your Teamspeak tonight.


+1 please :)

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So, I don't know who all will even bother to read this, but I'm glad this was brought to my attention. To set some things straight with Elmer's post, he wasn't as nice as he claims to be. He was mad that we wouldn't kick Health100 out of our clan just because they couldn't get along. He also had his admin removed for abuse. He spent most of his time trolling and griefing other Minecraft servers, and just being an outright dick to most new members. I'm only doing this as a peace offering. You guys don't want trolls? Don't take this one.

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+1 elmer is a good guy, mature enough, I have never had problems with him, and he is fun to play with. He jokes around every so often does NOT troll I think some t3k members are getting butthurt that he left for us sorry to say

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So, I don't know who all will even bother to read this, but I'm glad this was brought to my attention. To set some things straight with Elmer's post, he wasn't as nice as he claims to be. He was mad that we wouldn't kick Health100 out of our clan just because they couldn't get along. He also had his admin removed for abuse. He spent most of his time trolling and griefing other Minecraft servers, and just being an outright dick to most new members. I'm only doing this as a peace offering. You guys don't want trolls? Don't take this one.


This has been drawn to my attention that andermac is trying to join your clan. He is a asshole an outright asshole, then when you do something like tell him to stop he just kicks you. Also he spams. He spammed my computer so much that it froze for 1hr. I gave peechis video proof of it then he got "butmad" at me. Dont accept him if you want to keep you clan troll free.


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I'm going to have to go with the warnings from the previous members.


Your history precedes you, and I'm sorry. Maybe get one Teamspeak until you can prove that you're not as bad as they say you are? I do not mean for like a day or a week either. I meant around one month.

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I'm gonna take the warnings from the previous clan members. We've had to deal with trolls enough already.


I remember you from mini games spamming the n word one time. Being in t3k didn't justify that.


And technically isn't he supposed to be banned or something since he was in t3k? I don't understand what's happening with them



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