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Joseph Kony 2012

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I'm glad this is finally getting around. But in a way its kind of sad that although this has been going on for a LONG time. People are only starting to find out about it through their facebook posts.


smh lol

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The whole reason of that video is of what is happening now. People are learning about it. More people that learn about it, the more people will impact and help with their mission. To say that they're all "jumping on the bandwagon" is a GOOD thing. Its a good thing that people are finding out. Its a good thing that people are starting to help more now and CARE about Uganda. Barely anyone knew what was happening, barely anyone cared.

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Honestly sharing it on facebook isn't helping, I know I'm going to get shit from the "realists" but I'm doing the thing on 4/20 (Why can't they pick a better date I was going to do some beautiful weed that day but nvm, NO FLAME WARS ABOUT DRUGS STFU), anyways I'm doing that on 4/20 and we're staying out all night, a group of maybe 30-40 people :I

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I know my opinion doesnt mater seeing that we have discussed this previously but i want to have a say :) I think the situation is terrible and that personally i'm going to get a kit and see what i can do but i think that the us has other matters that it should tend to.

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I don't get why people say "You heard about this yesterday, shut the fuck up, bandwagon fag" So you're saying it's a bad thing to care? You're saying they need to have heard about it for 20+ years to care at all? You're saying it's bad that there's a bandwagon of people suddenly caring? No, that's all good.

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Even though killing him would be great he has other people in line for his rebel group. Which would just lead to a new leader taking his role which wouldnt really solve anything. Also this isnt the first time child soliders have been used and has been going on for quite some time in Africa. Such as the Sierra Leone Civil War where the rebel forces captured children and used them to mainly make up there armys. In which they addictded them to drugs and made them kill people just like Kony. For example It would be alot better to stop the use of child soliders and put down any rebellious groups in Africa rather than trying to kill one guy.

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this has been going on for years but if you didnt notice, Kony may be the worse but the next top 5 they wanted to arrest were from the Uganda region. THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME THEY HAVE DONE THIS, JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE POSTED IT ON FACEBOOK ITS THE END OF THE WORLD. When you take out Kony, the next guy on that list will step up and take his territory, this is all about Oil and Diamonds. Normally the US would help however right now the money we would spend for something that will take years to solve is not in our interest right now.


WHAT THE WORLD IS FOCUSING ON is a full scale nuclear war that may take place if Iran finishes building this nuke which i am sure they will, Iran will drop that bomb on Israel faster than you can put your head between your legs, Then Israel retaliates and bombs Iran, bringing Pakistan into the war, who will drop a bomb on Israel, turning Israel into a charcoal pit, not to mention the fact that the entire western civilization gets involved, and then russia whom supplied Irans Uranium in the first place, who know what the fuck china will do they're getting more powerful than the United states by the minute.


Im not saying the Kony issue is not important it is just like feeding a hungry bear the issue will only continue because that entire region is experiencing totall anarchy, different tribes are killing and enslaving children ... anybody to take controll of the region the world simply does not have a solution for this at the moment.

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