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Life goals!

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Move out for the main purpose of playing Katawa Shoujo without looking over my shoulder constantly


Buy an N64 for the sole purpose of playing Conker's Bad Fur Day


Save one "good" person's life directly, take one "bad" person's life directly, thus making the world a little better


Own a sizable armory and live in a state where I can fire guns in my yard :D


Buy all Mass Effect games on the PC and play them in order over a month or so


Learn latin for the sole purpose of showing off that I know latin


Create/join a commune


Save all my favorite porno on a flash drive, put it in a time capsule, and seal it far underground so humans in 50,000 years find it and think "what the fuck is wrong with this guy?"

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Dude, I've already conquered my life goals.


(X) Own every Nintendo Home Console

(_)Kill Justin Beiber


Wait, nevermind, brb.

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