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No mods/admins on...

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It seems like at late nights usually no admins or mods are on JailBreak. So later at nights it tends that people mass freekill then. We need a system (please tell me if we do) where you can post something which notifys the mods and admins that we need them on a server. Because I and most people probally don't have all the admins on their friends list. So can we please get something like this?

(Sorry for my spelling errors)

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I'm having test week atm, and please specify times in something like GMT, cause I have no idea what timezone you're in.

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if u got a big problem with dem freekillers, follow these steps to best get rid of them. this is how i ban people:


  • first, make sure they are actually freekilling. if it is very obvious that everyone is yelling his name, then go ban the motherlicker.
  • you can also read the rules to tell if he is freekilling. most of them dont have to the main freekillers but if they deny that they freekilled like 1 person, and you have legit proof (video/witness proof), that's another way to get them outta there.
  • the best way to do it is to start by getting a game recording program such as fraps.
  • then get teamspeak because most moderators and admins use teamspeak (client version) so if there is any mods/admins on, you can talk to them.
  • then just go on spectate, record some evidence/proof, then put it on youtube (private video so people with the link can see it).
  • then put it on a ban request thread.


thats pretty much it

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if u got a big problem with dem freekillers, follow these steps to best get rid of them. this is how i ban people:


  • the best way to do it is to start by getting a game recording program such as fraps.
  • then get teamspeak because most moderators and admins use teamspeak (client version) so if there is any mods/admins on, you can talk to them.
  • then just go on spectate, record some evidence/proof, then put it on youtube (private video so people with the link can see it).
  • then put it on a ban request thread.


thats pretty much it


This, although some kind of system to request a moderator would be kind of nice. Or even a votekick system that has a cooldown of like 5 - 10 minutes, if anything the cooldown would prevent some kind of abuse of the system.

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Personally, i dont think a vote kick option would be any help as, even after they are kicked, they will still be able to come back. and also that it would be abused, such as many members of the Ts dislike a Warden they decide to votekick him, and since ts have the majority it would be unfair.


Toby has some good Point's.


1. Go onto forums and post in chat you need a Mod/Admin

2. Add many of the current mods to a friendlist, and if they are online ask them to come join the server

3. Download a Recorder Fraps/Overwolf/Bandicam/CamStudios/ Sony Vegas($$ or pirate) and record the free killings and post a Ct Ban.

4.If you are unable to any of these and/or mods are not available, ask someone you know that can record gameplay/demos to come to the server and record it for you.


I am available on most nights from around 4 pm - 2-3 am in the morning on some nights. I might also be asleep cause of school. On some Nights i will leave my recorder on and put it on an angle on the map, but the only flaw to this would be that after a map change, it will be stuck at the welcome screen until i go on and fix it. It will still be able to record sound though.


Also with the notification system, Even if a system was added it wouldn't be as effective as mods/admins have their own lives, their own jobs, school etc. They wont be available 24/7. So its up to the players/members to find a way to deal with the problem.


My suggestion would be silence to add an ingame recorder if that is possible, like security cameras and put it in key places on the map, Main Cell Block, Pools,Soccer Etc, and at angles in which you can see the whole part of the place. I dont think it would be possible but its a suggestion.

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I used to be that guy, who would come in the server at late nights when nobody else is on, under a false name and just watch for the rulebreakers... then school started being a fuck nut.

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It's been said before, mods have lives/other priorities. The best thing you can do is be vigilant - turn fraps on and record games post em on the forums and point out what needs to be done.


There are mods that are active at late hours (Western timezones) like Trente, add him and you can probably get him.

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I know you don't believe it when we tell you that mods/admins have lives... but you need to believe it because it is true, there won't always be somebody on especially late nights so if you are one of those players, download the fraps trial or (dare i say it) torrent the full or something, and just have it up when you play. believe me we all have a life, except for @@syN_ and @A_Sock because they are total no lifers, and rabid is just fat :| (am i kidding? who knows?)



and like syn said he @Dukexrion and @@Nova are on, although syn is the only admin all 3 of them understand rules very well, and if you absolutely need it just message one of them and they can get a mod/admin/div on whether it be syn himself or someone else.

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