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dont be a goat vote +1

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It's ya boy Major, just figured I'd put one of these bad boys in to see if i can help with those late night shifts when normal people are sleeping.



Most of you in forums know me and the extent of which I try to help you guys watch and spot things in-game. Along with my knowledge of the rules.


Give me a +1

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he changed his mind right after he left, so he didnt rly leave at all, as for mod, try to work on being less direct to others ingame and a bit more respectful (from what i remember, dk how u act now ingame), remember, u gotta give respect if u wanna get respect.


+1 for him getting mod, hes active late at night and helps the mods do their job

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I know the rules of the server and have been a long standing member with the xG community that is what matters.

I appreciate you guys making sure I am indeed a member still, verifying my status is the appropriate action to take, as our xG: tags are a badge of honor and we don't want anyone who shouldn't wear it having them on.


Please just +1 or -1

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Major B. Ah, Major B. I've known you since my first days in the clan. You're...belligerant to say the least. You tend to rage hard at times. I've seen you disrespect members (inluding me) a lot (lol remember our flamewars? Good times). But through all this, you're a very good player. I think you'd be an awesome mod because you're on late and you know EVERY rule by heart. Every rule. You know whenever someone breaks a rule, before I even catch it. I feel like you'd be the "hawk" of the server, and just watch players so they don't fuck up, and if they do, you do what's right. I give a reluctant +1, as long as you promise not to rage at kids.


Also, he's on late apparently. We need more late-night mods.

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Um. I remember times when you have gotten rude.... But not that I know you have applied I'll look out for ya. I also remember his leave and then subsequent not-really-imma-stay deal so... For now 0 but I'll look out for you on the games.

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+1 For now because I've seen improvement and who knows maybe you were just going through a tough time back then. Also it was very serious what you did then that is why I started asking why sorry but yea you're a great guy.

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I'm at a 0, he would make a good mod, but has/had some disrespect issues, and seems a little too cocky at times.


(He wouldn't be very popular, and would have a target on his forehead for demotion)


Nothing personal.

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I'm at a 0, he would make a good mod, but has/had some disrespect issues, and seems a little too cocky at times. <---- " I'm a Marine we are all cocky"


(He wouldn't be very popular, and would have a target on his forehead for demotion)


Nothing personal.



I'm not applying to be mod to be popular and its ok SGTBLU no offense taken, I applied to help the clan late at nights and pick up shift when mods arent able to be on. The target on my forehead comment would be quite true, But most of you know I tend to follow rules extremely close so with that said i shouldnt have a problem as long as i follow rules, But all mods have targets on their forehead it comes with the job, and if i mess up I "EXPECT" it to be pointed out so improvements can be made and, or the appropriate discipline can be dealt for my actions.


I like helping other mods, and as Heisenberg said I'm always watching like a hawk for xG





Hoo-ah to you Brian lol +1 for a good old fashion military approval

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Yes but half of his point MajorB is that last time you had mod you were a jerk with it and then when you lost it you were turning into a bigger jerk and he's just not sure if that's not going to happen or is going to happen again because you know how we don't trust people who loose mod for reason like that then rage quit out of the clan and come back (I had no idea at first).

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+1 Even though he can be rude and disrespectful at times, he knows the rules very well and would make a good mod

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