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Sexism Against the Rules Now?

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Recently, I was playing Jail Break and made a sexist comment to a female warden.


Then, Admin told everyone that I was on the edge of getting banned.


Are you kidding me? Sexism is against the rules now? I'm already holding back racist comments just for the sake of playing with a group of people that I have good time with, and I get told I'll be banned for something as minor as mild sexism over the internet?


For f**ks sake people. At least inform everyone Sexism isn't okay on our servers now.

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Recently, I was playing Jail Break and made a sexist comment to a female warden.


Then, Admin told everyone that I was on the edge of getting banned.


Are you kidding me? Sexism is against the rules now? I'm already holding back racist comments just for the sake of playing with a group of people that I have good time with, and I get told I'll be banned for something as minor as mild sexism over the internet?


For f**ks sake people. At least inform everyone Sexism isn't okay on our servers now.

You can also call it for trolling, and thats not okay on our servers.

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Sexism is against the rules. And you could have asked someone. But either or you shouldn't have made any sexist jokes. And as Trente said it is trolling and very frowned a upon.

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I honestly didn't have ANY intentions of trolling.


It was purely a joke that I hoped would elicit a laugh or chuckle or two, but it seems anything like that is deemed trolling these days.

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Well I was there, and tbh it sounded in a more or less derogatory manner. It was also towards a fellow clan member :/

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Awww you know back in my time we use to make sexist jokes all the time like "Get in the kitchen" or "Womans rights" ,but now we have members that are female and the whole sexist thing got old so everyone kinda stopped I guess that's why they ruled it out. Also we have female members complaining about this such of a thing it's just us trying to clean up our old acts so get used to it already and do you think any girl would wanna date a guy who makes jokes about her gender I know mine wouldn't (I'd probably get slapped and dumped in a second.)

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We have females playing on our servers now? What is this!? Preposterous, ridiculous, absurdity, blasphemy, shenanigans! I demand a mutiny against the female players! GO BOYS CLUBHOUSE!

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Next month: No more hate on sexual orientation! (No but seriously, I know some gays in our clan and they're awesome).

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Sexism is the same as racism, obviously not that serious but if it's directed towards a certain person, it will obviously be taken more offensively then saying it blatently or even just to a friend of yours. You targeted a female member with a sexist comment and she didn't find it funny, and you're... surprised? Don't direct jokes at people if you don't know if they can take it or not, better to be safe then sorry.. no?


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