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I did ALOT on the Motd too to get demoted. so your point is wrong.


You wanna talk about MOTD don't even get me started. Arth and I built an MOTD from the ground up, and made it easy to understand, very well thought out. putting just the right limitations on things, and practically having it perfect. from what I understand you "edited" it, I wanna see this MOTD so you can show me what you did to OUR work.

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Your MOTD was never even sent to me once upon many requests. I didn't even see it so I gave up. (I asked Arthman about 3 times and you about once)


Arthman, you were demoted for abusing. I wasn't going to demote anybody during hte test because... well it was a test of the admin powers as well... But you abused a bunch.Also your laggy computer + a vehicle == Not a smart idea.





But Chrono, if you want to send me your MOTD then shoot.

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First off, i didnt abuse. Second, I sent you the motd countless time, you ungrateful prick. Third, your current admin abuse sometime. What i did was while the server was on. So quit lying, ye whore. Also, show us the MOTD so me and chrono can see if you Blatantly stole OUR work and claimed it as YOURS

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I cant show the MotD that doesnt exist on my harddrive because you guys never sent it to us.


After multiple requests.


I do recall somebody sending me something that was not written in HTML... But that was not from an xG member.


Would be preferred if it was in HTML...

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An MOTD does not get put in HTML until after you have completely edited it to what you want. and that person was arthman, sending you OUR MOTD from a google doc that we were working on. so, are you going to allow us to see it or not?

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It is not on me currently. Deleted the old one from my comp.


But I have coded MotDs entirely from scratch in HTML.


Why I cannot do it now? I am busy.

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Chrono, it's a lost cause, he keeps lying on steam chat. talk to me asap, ill send you the logs. He's a lying bastard




STALKER: so i can check the MOTD

[xG:D:F] Charrax: Fucking child. You don't ever deserve admin.

[xG:D:F] Charrax is now Offline.

Rage much?

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Don't ever call me out for rage.


You called me and a large amount of members "Fucking Pricks"


"11:33 AM - STALKER: Listen, how about you quit lying like a little prick you are? I don't have to deal with your bullshit, just tell me her current name"



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I got tired of your lying, and yet , you didnt let me contact the person with the motd so that i could verify if my point was right. CHECKMATE, buddy.

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I did ALOT on the Motd too to get demoted. so your point is wrong.

I did nothing and im not a mod YET!, You're argument is invalid



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first off, copy pasta is not proof of anything, it can be edited easily to look bad on someone else, second off, why not just send him the motd through email, that way, ull have it on record that u sent him the email, third off, why are u fighting over such a POINTLESS reason? it can easily be resolved without both sides raging at each other, fourth off, you people are admins of xg, u should know better than to devolve into little children and start throwing toys at each other....


deal with it like ADULTS and resolve it without the name calling, simple as that

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Serb, he simply REFUSES to show US the motd. HE SIMPLY REFUSES. I asked him who got it, he refused to comply and tell me who. Also, if we SEND HIM and he copy pasted, he'll change it. How about this. Me and chrono send you OUR motd , then they SEND theirs. deal?

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