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Admin abuse :P

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This is Edison glass abusing at his finest.

Drunken maple leaf did the same thing but did not get a screen of both.


He did not slay him self next round\banhim self etc.

A admin is massive freekilling and nothing was done to him. I belive he need's demoted.

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So it's wrong for me to have fun one round, but it's okay for multiple of you to come into the server and freekill a bunch of players. Hypocrisy at it's finest in my opinion. Not to mention this whole complaint came from you getting butthurt from me killing you every round, because you didn't follow orders. Now I'm not going to sit here and argue like the last dumb and pointless complaint you put on me. Bottom line: Everyone else is wrong if they're not following rules unless it's you, You're a hypocrite, and you get butthurt every time you get killed or slain; then you go and complain to the nearest admin or post a complaint.


Edit: Posted in the wrong section.

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You Don't understand your an admin set an example.

Dont abuse, your way to loose on your slay button. IM not saying just twords me but everyone.

I did not post this cause you killed me every round, i dont give a ****.

Stop acting like every 14 year old on the internet saying "but hurt"

You come into our server's scaring people away with abuse like this.

Dont abuse= Dont get a complaint.

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Lol he was playing around.. we all were and basicly everyone but you agreed it was halurious and was cool, i think its ok

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You Don't understand your an admin set an example.

Dont abuse, your way to loose on your slay button. IM not saying just twords me but everyone.

I did not post this cause you killed me every round, i dont give a ****.

Stop acting like every 14 year old on the internet saying "but hurt"

You come into our server's scaring people away with abuse like this.

Dont abuse= Dont get a complaint.


Hypocrisy again, You came in the server the other day with NO3 tags freekilling everyone. Did you even read what I said? lol

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Did i ever freekill i was on the t team the entire time, every 1 in the server can vouch for me

i was constantly asking to be switched tho to ct, learn facts.

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Did i ever freekill i was on the t team the entire time, every 1 in the server can vouch for me

i was constantly asking to be switched tho to ct, learn facts.


Dude just grow up already, I'm done.

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Hehe, YOu did not know your facts, i out smarted you now your but hurt" sorry trying to be a narrow minded 14 like half of the internet is"

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You guys are acting ****ing ridiculous! Come on, grow up! Rabid, you honestly do your worth of **** and Edison hardly does his! Come on, arguing over the Internet? Just get each others addresses and go over and sock each other in the mouth!

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you guys fight to much... also even if this was fun but none of the player that you killed agreed it was fun such as Rabid you cannot do this and must slay urself next time ... please don't do this again because than it will cause problems and people want you slayed, Also this isnt the right place to make a thread of this but yeh .. stop fighitng and don't do this again because its just mass freekilling and your an admin who should know the rules...

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