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Why xG is not going downhill.

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I've been looking at the goodbye threads, and i've noticed a lot of older members leaving.

Honestly, it's not going downhill.



  1. This is a gaming community, you probably wouldn't really notice people leaving if you're playing on the server when they are crowded.
  2. I don't notice anyone leaving, until I look at the goodbyes.
  3. You'll probably forget them after a while.
  4. These are not the only members, some of the new members are pretty cool people and are fun to hang out with.




It may be hard to lose friends that you've played with before for a long time (i've had to do it myself many times). It won't be as bad as you think it is later on.


Also, before some of the old members come in and say comments about how xG isn't the same. It is the same, go play the servers. I only notice this goodbye activity on the forums.

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Lol it isnt the same...at all. xG used to be a tight knit group of people, where everyone liked and respected everyone else. You could act however you wanted, and no one would judge you for it. Now, few people actually respect one another. And in terms of the servers, that is nowhere NEAR the same. As we've grown and expanded, so have our servers. Now we have different plugins, and different servers altogether.

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Maybe its because I joined the server ~4 months after you Poncher but the "tight knit group" of people was never anything I really wanted to join.


Additionally, it might just be my nature to look for friendship elsewhere, but all I really want from xG is a fun atmosphere.


I don't deny that there was a friendship aspect to it, but maybe I was blind to the REAL community since all that I saw were people who banded together under the guise of silly shared interests. And people would be accepted in and out of the fold with seemingly lackadaisical ease as long as they said things like 'HAI GAIS!' or 'BAI BAI :3' or talked about how much they LOVE some off-kilter interest.


Since doing stuff like that directly contradicts my moral code I never tried to join in and they never accepted me; but that is a moot issue since I don't make friends with people like that, not on the internet and especially not in real life.


Why are we all here?


That's the most important question because to people who value e-friendship more than gaming, xG might very well be going down hill.


But to people still on the edge of opinion, ask yourself


Am I really here to make friends?


xG hasn't gone downhill in my book because at the core, everything is the same as it has been since the day I found the server.


What we have is:

1. A gaming establishment that enforces a strict set of rules to play by

2. A continually growing and changing community of players who learn to follow these rules or get banned


Honestly, if the only people that played the server were the same people I played with on Day 1, I would have left long ago.


Although there are definitely cool people that play on the server who know how to have fun and not take things too seriously, by nature I hate commitment and regularity. The things that appeal to me the most are random, fast paced events that require quick reflexes and fast thinking; a constantly evolving metagame that is impossible to develop without a decent rate of turnover.


It works out perfectly for me too, we have people who come here and play the game just to play the game, we have a ton of Boss rebellers and a Strict warden, and I get pleasure out of doing a good job and winning rounds no matter which team I'm on.


I'm not gonna lie and say I don't want people to like me; but that isn't the focus. The focus is on jailbreak itself; establishing order and dominance as a CT, or creating havoc and disobedience as a T.


As long as the core gaming fundamentals of Jailbreak never change, I don't see xG going downhill any time soon.

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Well this is one of the reasons I made the sub clan plugin, so groups of people could feel like a crew but under xG. It is going to get much more diverse to the point of all out wars with sub clans, and the ability to form alliances and enemies. This should solve any issues of people who like a close-knitted community.

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Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.


XenoGamers is changing, and I believe we should embrace it. I don't necessarily believe that xG has improved or gone downhill, but it has certainly grown to become something else. I'm looking forward to seeing what this community will be coming down that road, of course there will be ups and downs.


In the end, I believe xG is not only a community, but an idea. An idea that all players are welcome, admired and respected. I'd say we are struggling with this right now, with so many "cliques" in the clan, but it's their choice. They still fly under xG and we are still part of the same big picture.

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Well some of the people who joined are a fan of small communities, so it's understandable why some are leaving, they just don't like not knowing everything that is going on. Also xG is a city, and under this city is multiple towns. We form our own towns but all remain under xG. And where is that on the World Map?



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Insightful replies, I would like to see more.

They ought to have been ashamed of saying this, because they were sure to be detected as soon as I opened my lips and displayed my deficiency; they certainly did appear to be most shameless in saying this, unless by the force of eloquence they mean the force of truth: for then I do indeed admit that I am eloquent. But in how different a way from theirs! Well, as I was saying, they have hardly uttered a word, or not more than a word, of truth; but you shall hear from me the whole truth: not, however, delivered after their manner, in a set oration duly ornamented with words and phrases. No, indeed! but I shall use the words and arguments which occur to me at the moment; for I am certain that this is right, and that at my time of life I ought not to be appearing before you, O men of Athens, in the character of a juvenile orator: let no one expect this of me.

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Lol it isnt the same...at all. xG used to be a tight knit group of people, where everyone liked and respected everyone else. You could act however you wanted, and no one would judge you for it. Now, few people actually respect one another. And in terms of the servers, that is nowhere NEAR the same. As we've grown and expanded, so have our servers. Now we have different plugins, and different servers altogether.


I thought a lot of people we have now are pretty accepting 3:

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I thought a lot of people we have now are pretty accepting 3:


It's just the argument of old versus new. I don't disagree or agree with what he said but debates like this are always started by the older members to be honest.

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It's just the argument of old versus new. I don't disagree or agree with what he said but debates like this are always started by the older members to be honest.


Lul I'm not trying to start a debate or argument, im just stating how i feel.

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I honestly don't see xG going downhill, the clan used to be "cozier" so to speak because the clan was much smaller and fewer servers were populated. Foxxy put it very well with how this clan isn't becoming better or worse, but changing into something new.


I'm happy with how things are going server wise, we get new members all the time, and members who leave are leaving for their own reasons which is completely fine. We can't force people to stay, and there's no need to. Whatever happens, xG is here to stay, even if some members aren't.

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