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Joking around

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I was joking around and said a random name in the server and then posted a tf2 servers IP as a joke, i honestly don't know how to ddos or even hack i was just joking around i'm very sorry.

-Comfy Bunny_

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It was no joke as he did post Klure's ip address in the chat and then say over mic chat that "I just ddos'ed him and I'm going to for about three minutes" and then you started talking to me through PM and said you were joking around until "Comfy Bunny #Hard Seven: well to be honest i did ddos him

Comfy Bunny #Hard Seven: oh well

Comfy Bunny #Hard Seven: he trolled me

Comfy Bunny #Hard Seven: so w/e

Comfy Bunny #Hard Seven: might as well just keep ddosing him"

that was said sorry but ddosing isn't nice.

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I was there you can contact me if you have questions on the subject at hand. First of all he ddossed Klure or hudson jr. He got disconnected and when he came back online he tried to rejoin the server and he was ddossed again and takin offline again. At the time im posting this he has still not come back online. Comfy Bunny was bragging about how he ddossed him obviously unaware that there was admins in the server.

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