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I must construct additional pylons.

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The last almost year I have been in xG now, has been really fun! :3


But now my time has come to an end...


I am not gonna make it too long because I don't want to be all sappy or make anybody else too sad.


But I will leave a list of honorable mentions of those current and former xG members who have been there to talk to for myself.


This is in no particular order.


Duckii, Herpes, Pyro, Aegean, Serbian, DuckiiJr., EZKill, MooMAD, Rabid, Other, Duke, Nova, Arthman, Dino, SniperPenguin, Michael, Trollface, mad scientest, hard on, hudson, hudson jr or whatever the fuck he is going by now., orangejuice, cookie, kelly, colorful dot, meowmix, jihad, foxxy, kermit.


If i forgot you, I'm sorry D: there are just so many of you current and formers i could talk to and have conversations with because you:

A) Weren't fucking stupid.

B) Were funny


C) Could keep a secret.


I won't be removing anybody, and if you wanna hit me up, just add me.


-Edit- Jay Breeze is a fat faggot.

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Oh good, xG will be a little less smelly now.


Jookes, this really sucks bro, I wish you good luck in the future & hope the best for you :) Hit me up anytime you wanna talk, iite nigga?

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It's okay. I won't miss you. Your vagina is loose and it stinks.




Don't highlight my post, there's no white text or anything.

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Can we permanently ban mick? or can I make that the last thing i do with admin? just give mick a ban? please? pleasepleasepleaseplease!!!!

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