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Admin Abuse by $moker

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i was playing on jailbreak just having fun and out of no where $moker started attacking me for being a fan of odd future.


$moker : if you like Odd Future youa re probaqbly a fucking nerd who is hopping on the bandwagon like a dickriding cocksucker


he said this out of no where and i have never talked to him before hand. he continued disrespecting so i said i will report you for admin abuse because you are breaking your own rules, NO disrespect. then he kicked me and the reason that it said was "LOL do it faggot" i have a screenshot of that.




i am not sure if that link will work. i am new to forums and i have never done anything with forums before


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1. odd future is the worst music ever, full of talentless rappers and all they talk about is murdering women, jerkin off, and other stupid shit. i definitely took it a little too far with my word choice, but I expected you to defend your interests, not to immediately cry about it and threaten me.


Lol its one thing to disrespect someone based on their race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. but everyone makes fun of everyone for their taste in music.


once again, i didn't expect you to IMMEDIATELY cry about it as if you are unable to stick up for yourself.


2. you threatened me 3 times that you were gonna get my admin removed.

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yea $moker, i was playing jailbreak and you decided to do trivia. before you said the question, you flashbanged me and then i couldnt see the question. what the fuck is that?

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yea $moker, i was playing jailbreak and you decided to do trivia. before you said the question, you flashbanged me and then i couldnt see the question. what the fuck is that?


are you kidding me? its called "FLASH BANG" trivia. thats the point of the game

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Well, smoker you did kinda instigate it.. it's his opinion, everyone has their own opinion.. you like some music, & other people don't.. Xeno Gamers - Search


Also, tyler, you've been banned before, if I'm correct.. & also, you do have a history of disrespecting


Point is, you shouldn't of said I'll get your admin removed not once, but three times, & smoker shouldn't of said what he said.


Xeno Gamers - Search

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yes i have been banned before and yes i do disrespect quite often, but do i attack people for what music they like or race? no. and about me saying i can get his admin removed 3 times, admins/mods strongly enforce the rules of xenogamers "NO disrespect" if i am correct is a big rule. he was breaking that rule by saying what he said then kicking me for no reason at all and saying "LOL do it faggot"

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yea well that game sounds like shit cause it called freenading.


why make a game where only limited T's get to see the question?


This is not the place for this, bring it up in your own thread.

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I was in and smoker was talking about how that music group sucked it was kinda random but who cares. The ban was because u were liek im going to get ur admin remooved lol a couple of times

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