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Shooting while !checkmate

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I think it should be treated the same as jumping. Shoot if it's afk freeze. Don't shoot if it's WASD freeze. Shoot if it's FR/LR and they checkmated before anyone jumps. Shoot on Simon Says and other games that are near the same or if jumping is restricted. As of right now, I don't shoot people who checkmate, but if it were added to the MOTD I feel like it should be like I said above.


TL;DR Agree with most of what Deodate said.

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If someone does a !checkmate it will -1 their kill score and have no effect on your score. If you kill them you get a kill and they get a death. Stats don't really matter on a JB server, but this does make an obvious difference.


My opinion is that it's a freekill.


Same if a T falls off climb on Canyondam, for example. If a T falls and a CT shoots I beleive that should be a freekill as well.

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i dont think its a big prob i mean u use checkmate as a fun way to die so if someone shoots u u die anyways :P but my opinion is that it should be considered freekill as mcneo said

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I believe that you should be able to shoot !checkmater's only in a situation where they were going to die anyway (High spray, trivia, etc), I know that mods and admins have slain people for shooting a T that checkmated during FR/LR (First reaction jump, I used checkmate, was killed by a CT and they were slain for freekilling).


Honestly, shooting the T is fine if they are already going to die as a direct result of a game, but it should be freekilling if they did it for the fun of going to mars.

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I'll agree with Hiding on this.


If you're playing a game and you're supposed to die, then the CT has the right to kill you, so if you !checkmate they should still be able to kill you.


But in a case where the CT doesn't have the right to kill you, such as a random suicide, then it would be freekill.


Half the fun of a checkmate is to be a humorous suicide. If a CT can interrupt that then we might as well just use kill in console to skip the humor.


This doesn't contradict anything I've already said, it's a sensable addition though.


tl;dr: If a CT has the right to kill the T then they can, otherwise it's a freekill.

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If they aren't rebelling, it's a freekill.



Now, I'd stick to that if I wasn't so sure that this will churn up a huge argument that is really not worth bothering with. At which point i'd say just let people kill if they want.

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