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MineCrack Rejoin.

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I was kicked out, if you don't know the reason don't worry about because it wasn't an in server or-deal. If you love me and you know me, your thoughts on why I got into xG before should continue to stand, and it shouldn't change because of what happened.


Note: I talked to an admin and he said I could re-apply after things cooled down.

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He's one of the greatest guys i know, he knows the rules and is a very fun player and is a great warden :adoration:


Gl :love_heart:

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-1 he got space turkey banned :( (he deserved it though lololol)

in all seriousness, +1, he's a great person, knows the rules, and I'm sure he came back for me ;)

>implying I'm adorable

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Before you submit. I would suggest getting all this previous shit worked out with the divs/coleaders.


However, besides for that incident he was an ok dude.


But for now im not gonna say anything.

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Talked to a few, I got a go from one, others didn't comment. As of now I think it's fine since it wasn't really discussed at all and M had no right to do it.

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Don't know for sure if this is allowed but, hes a cool guy, knows MOTD, plays quite often, he pretty mature and he made a mistake and got kicked out. He deserves a second chance in my opinion.

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I'll give a -1 if he actually hacked. It's not the multi-accounting I'm worried about, not to mention things like this give xG a bad name. (As if our reputation isn't tarnished enough).

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Just so everyone know, I gave the go. He didnt hack on our server and didnt do anything to give us bad rep. and if anybody got a problem on that, Get over it, He did nothing wrong in xG.

Also, 1000th post.

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