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DuckiiJr. <(^o^<)

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Hello Everyone! The DuckiiJr. is here to apply for mod.


First off, some people believe that I had left xG because I did not get promoted Division Leader. That is not the case! I would never leave just because of that. I will state the reason in one of my bullets below v

So anyways here's a list of things you should know about me/ why I believe I can be a great mod,


  • Joined xG in december of 2010
  • Was a mod for 10 months and admin for 3 I believe
  • Left xG for a month because there were certain people that were really getting to me. I needed a break. It was the best decision for my own good.
  • When I was mod. I was considered, by many people of xG, their favorite mod/admin
  • I am super friendly. I can make people feel very welcome and comfortable
  • I was very active on almost all of the xG servers. I currently only play jailbreak
  • I am known by almost all of the xG community. The newer people may not know me yet, but I have gotten to know many of them.
  • Some people say I am more mature than even most 16 year olds in xG lol
  • I always tell admins when someone is breaking/not following the rules


And now some random things about me:


  • Before DuckiiJr my name was Siberian21
  • I am an oldfag of xG
  • I have the most posts on forums..lol
  • I live in Ohio
  • I became DuckiiJr. in late Feb-early March of 2011
  • Pyro is my cousin
  • Jaybreeze is my uncle
  • I enjoy creating things in photoshop

One last thing. Many people have kept telling me that I should apply for mod and get my place back..so yeah here I am! haha


Thank you for checking my app out! :welcoming:








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+1. 1 million that is... fuck

Anyway, Isaac is a good friend of mine and has been for a long time. He is very respsonsible and always makes good decisions. As a moderator+ he has been a credit to the clan.

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Duckii is one of the coolest kids in xG and I know, without a doubt, that he deserves moderator. He's mature and very rarely breaks the rules. In fact, of my whole time knowing him, I don't think I've ever seen him break rules or act immature.

+1 +1 +1

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+1, whenever I'm on JB , he's on and is very mature. He calls warden and handle situations good, follows motd and never had any problems.

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sounds like a great guy, and if he was a mod befor and left for personal reasons he should be able to come back.

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+1 he is mature, and to you duckii, i hope their is no hard feelings between us, I guess i di somthing to piss you off not sure what, but i respect you as a member and you shud get mod

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