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A concern

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I believe that we "Non-Members" should be allowed to post our opinions on people in the 'Moderator Submission' Section, as we are still members of this community because we play the servers, our opinions should be valued as well.

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No I disagree let me state why,

1. Most non members are non members for a reason... They have either not applied or they left xG if you left xG and you want to post on our forums and share your opinion... Then why the hell did you leave xG?


2. People who don't apply I could care less for their opinions besides any random troll can just sign up make a new account and down vote multiple times if he isn't in xG.


3. ^ The reason above... Let me specify say the community likes you and you want to apply for mod.... Well lets also say there is that one hater who does not like you... What is stopping him from making multiple accounts to just -1 you. Nothing because Non - Members would be counted it would completely destroy a good system we have and its not worth it. (Believe me some people have no lives THEY WILL take advantage of this.)


So over all if you left xG feel free to spread your opinions but over all you left xG remember that you didn't have to leave you could of just went inactive instead of leaving. So no I think Non - Members opinions should not be counted so my decision on this is -1.



Reason 4. I forgot to mention something in reason one they also could be non members who were banned so they were banned for a reason why the hell do we want their opinions?

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we should be allowed to post to add our 2 cents in. and i don't believe your argument as to saying no is a very good reason. I want to see legitimate reasons why we shouldn't... let me address your reasons in order.


1. if we haven't applied we have a very small post count. as you would see, but just because they haven't applied yet does not make them members that are not valued. every member of a community should be regarded as such whether they are in the community or not, if they frequent your server you should treat them as a COMMUNITY member. (that doesn't make them clan members) and as for those who have left, get over it, we left, for OUR OWN reasons. just because we choose not to be a member of THE CLAN does not mean we cannot be a COMMUNITY member. and thats that. Shouldn't the COMMUNITY be able to voice their opinions on why they think a person should or shouldn't be a mod?


2. That is just a bad ideology. you shouldn't care less for people just because they wont apply to be members of a clan, they have their reasons for not applying or leaving, if they want to join let them do it on their own. you shouldn't be treating them different for it. and for making new fake forum accounts to -1, you will EASILY be able to see which is which. it's common fucking sense. look at post counts... herp derp.


3. (not bothering i stated it in 2.)


4. If they were server banned it is because they broke a rule, or something IN THAT SPECIFIC SERVER. if they are FORUM BANNED then they can't post anyway.

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it all depends on the non member whos vouching on someones mod app, if they were a valued member of xg and left on good terms, they are free to post their opinion on someones mod app, because they've earned that right even though they left the clan.


if someone made multiple accounts to down vouche someone, its gonna be pretty obvious when it turns out that they all have 1 post on the mod app and that the emails are some bs name.


if someone is trolling, then its pretty damn obvious that their vouches arent gonna count at all


also, being inactive and leaving the clan are two different things, inactive is when u arent on the servers or forums or anything for a couple of weeks, leaving the clan is still being active and all but just leaving the clan

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Ok I will back myself again with these reasons 1..


Look at most community forums they are littered with trolls now imagine all these trolls who are non members on our forum post -1 on mod apps... That would be chaos I agree with serbian on the point if you were a valued member of xG then you should be able to yes.... Also I never said I did not care for them I just don't care for their opinions I care for them as people but if they are -1 threads and they're not even part of xG then I could care less what they say. Think about it long and hard would you like a bunch of randoms... wait let me put it in a better perspective... Say one day chrono you re apply for xG but by then this forum is filled with trolls and because of this thread Non Members opinions count in -1's and +1's then people who don't even know you who are having a bad day could just get on and -1 with out even being in xG its stupid. I have seen this happen on different clan forums to worst thing that could happen. People would take way to much advantage of it so no I still will -1.

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Serbian already said what happens to trolls. It's obvious and they cannot provide reasoning enough.


A once valued member would have a very well balanced sense of logic and reasoning when it comes to this stuff. I was a Division Leader once, now a non-member.


He only means people that are still part of the forums/servers in a 'community sense', not a sense of 'i play on the server and make one post hurr durr'

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I personally don't want any non-members vouching in any mod submission, they might have a "voice" or not, if you want to give your say on our members in our community, you should be in the community. I understand the logic of "if they were staff before they left etc" but still, I personally don't want any vouches from non-members. Serbian I guess sees it differently, but yeah that's my 2 cents.

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Yeah. Honestly i think it should stay member exclusive. After all this is gonna be affecting our community directly and if you want a say in that you should be in it.


It would be like a country making laws benefiting tourists that visit it more than its actual citizens, you know what i mean?

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An interacting population of like-minded individuals, affecting the identity of the given members and also their cohesiveness. In gaining similar social perceptions gives them a sense of solidarity that may or may not lead in the exclusion of other individuals that do not share one or more of their like-mindedness.


here is the point I want you to look at Aegean and Gawd, the XenoGamers Community is anybody that plays on the servers... not just once, but actually plays on them. for example, some guy who played 5 minutes his first time is not a community member, somebody who has played for SEVERAL months is a community member. Just because they are not a member of the clan does not mean that people who are made mod/admin do not affect them, especially when they have played on the servers for a while. now,

After all this is gonna be affecting our community directly and if you want a say in that you should be in it.


As I explained now, that makes this statement in my opinion false. we non-members are community members, and yes it affects us as well. non-member does not always mean non-community-member.



Hmm i would say there would be list of non member who can voice opinions. As in example former mods,admins, and members.


this is hard to do, as you would have to go through and add a special category to the forum members, and put all the former xG mods/admins/oldfags in there, which would take too much out of peoples time to do.

if you want to give your say on our members in our community, you should be in the community

again, community members and clan members are different, this clan relies on the support of its community to stay alive. donations don't only come from clan members, but from non-members as well trying to support a server they enjoy playing on.




Tl;DR? get off your panzy ass and read it you lazy fuck.

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I did read all of it, doesn't change my mind. I personally think only members should be able to give an opinion on giving another member the power to moderate our servers. If a bad member gets mod, if affects our members and our community more. You wouldn't call tourists citizens, even if they stay there for a while. If you aren't a member, then you shouldn't have a say in our communities matters. Can you vote for governments or politicians if you aren't a citizen in their country? No. Sorry but that's how I see it. Here's another 2 cents to a total of 4 cents!

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touching on your metaphor of "not being a citizen can't vote"

there is this thing called the United Nations, and basically it is representatives from [most] countries, and what they do is they regulate each country based on global well-being.

lets say that xG is a country, then Silence, Aegean, Serbian, and Starbuck are its representatives in the UN where the UN regulates (in terms of xG the UN would be the community and regulation would be how they think it should move forward, and their thoughts upon who should be its leaders amongst members.)

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touching on your metaphor of "not being a citizen can't vote"

there is this thing called the United Nations, and basically it is representatives from [most] countries, and what they do is they regulate each country based on global well-being.

lets say that xG is a country, then Silence, Aegean, Serbian, and Starbuck are its representatives in the UN where the UN regulates (in terms of xG the UN would be the community and regulation would be how they think it should move forward, and their thoughts upon who should be its leaders amongst members.)


Uh what the duck? o.o? But anyways I do agree with Charrax...YOU people decided to leave n abandon xG and join a different clan and support it instead. I am sure Deviant would not allow this as well.

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