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Well I understand where you guys are coming from with the unbalance of T and Ct, but you can obviously give Ct's purchasables as well to attempt to balance. I'm just trying to throw ideas around to give our jailbreak at least a fresher experience to new and old.

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I'm at work and brainstorming a couple things. I'll refine these ideas throughout the day and hopefully get something posted tonight. Nothing to outright copy HG or anything like that, but just a few things that might enhance what we have.

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Honestly, if any plugins are added would be an add on to the bomb plugin.

Involves a small health bonus, speed bonus, armor, and a one hit knife for one kill?

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@@silence @@Starbuck


Maybe even a rebel on lr purchase?? (could make the server auto slay if t attacks someone while not using any lr's)


Great idea! I'll get with silence and put forward a proposal for how we can spice things up and change how the game feels. Keep the good suggestions coming though!

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I saw shadow buy a lot with his bind. It's very helpful and a point system (which can increase xG donations) for perks would be fun. @@silence for the donations idea!

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So how do you guys want the point system to work? There's a couple things I was thinking for it.


1. A one time buy of "points" which gives you permenent access to the point menu and lets you gain points


2. Everyone earns points and can use it for benefits, but you can either

a. Buy more points (rl money)

b. Buy access to a few extra things in the shop that are "VIP" only so to speak.


I will post a minecraft thread about this later today too, great ideas guys!

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Do this please.

A point system which you can get points ingame for killing someone (2 points for a kill). 1 point for activity.

You can donate real life money for points also. 1 dollar=50 points maybe? Real life money only would be annoying >:l.

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