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Charrax's CS:S Moderator Application

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You all know me. I have admin experience in all source games. I run servers and I know the community.


I would love mod on the JB especially. Because I always check sprays and watch my teammates. No matter much of a friend someone is, I will report them (And I have!).


If you Mod on CS:S and hear me sarcastically yelling all the time. You may have heard me even stop and report somebody via either admin messaging or steam chat. I always point out a vent camper.






















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First +1; it goes without saying Charrax knows what he is doing, he wouldn't be a division leader if there wasn't evidence he won't abuse. He also knows the JB rules and is frequently on.

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Sight. I'de hate to be the first person, but I have to.


Although he is really active and knows rules, he's a total jerk to a lot of people. For example, just last night, peppermint was trying to warden and Charrax kept talking over him, ridiculing him so the T's could not here him. I had to mute him. This was not the only time something like this has happened, and he disrespects people all the time.

Mature a little, and I'll consider changing my vote.

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You are quite disrespectful. Although you say it's saracasm, it's still not right. Even to other staff.

I mean yeah, you know the rules and all, but mature a bit.

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Imma +1 ya Charrax. You can be a jerk but mostly you are active on the servers and especially ts :P You point things out to mods on jailbreak when I see you and your know the motd yada yada yada Would make a good mod

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knows what he is doing, he wouldn't be a division leader if there wasn't evidence he won't abuse.


LOL well there is arthman :P im just kidding love you arth.


But yeah charrax knows a lot of shit, tbh he seems much more mature than 15. Only advice is try not to be so quick to judge people whether its them breaking rules or just them in general.


Besides that he is very familiar in things such as programming and seems aware when someone is breaking the rules. +1 hope ya get it bro

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BTW I am going to start shadowing the admins and mods on JB. Just kind of watching what you do.


Surprised nobody typed !motd for a president day haha. I knew somewhat what it was (not what the bunker was).

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I haven't seen you on Charrax but when I have seen you on you're cool and friendly and know the rules. So 0 Charrax play more and I'll probably +1 you

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-1 ur too overzealous in ur powers, u said that u would try to get someone who was banned from the gmod server (and posted a ban protest) banned on all the other servers and even different clans, thats just overkill and makes u seem power hungry. rabids been banned from css but i dont see jihad or korean or anyone else trying to get him banned from the tf2, mc, gmod or ts division.


also off topic, but u have to have donated in order to post a mod app, its an absolute requirement now

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+1 because he's my unofficial 4th husband.

Also, he may be a total dick most of the time but he does understand rules and gets that shit has to be done.

It's 2:31 AM, I'm going to sleep.

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