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GANJA power trip

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why would i kick you for no reason ??? exactly i had a reason too and strangelove i didn't make nothing up you did don't worry i will start recording you when you're from the servers

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Ganja - if u actually claim that I called people "faggots", then u r fucking lying piece of shit.


U did kick me for no reason, b/c I did nothing wrong.


saying "dont rtv, i love this map" is NOT disrespect, abuser


U will get whats coming to u....


This is just the start

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hes mad cuz the reason hes banned is Admin/Mod Disrespect , he got kicked for disrespecting people on the server for rocking the vote on his favorite map


Ahh. I see. Well, strangelove, you do have a history for disrespect, so it's kinda hard to see how ganja would just kick you for no reason.

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Wow. Ur word means so much, EZ...I'm glad u can make judgements b4 even reading the thread...and just backing up a liar...u must be the best-est admin ever.


And define "history of disrespect"...


Cuz I HONESTLY have no idea wtf u mean...


Talking a little shit (w/o raging) is fun , its part of the reason WE all play




Is that disrespect or telling the truth?

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you're threatening me strangelove? because i heard you clearly calling people faggots , you like to disrespect people when you're warden the word "FAGGOT" is the only word in you're dictionary you use it all the time plus you do it every time you're in our servers

@Aegean! @@silence @@Jihad @Brian

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You are a fucking lying son of a bitch!


Everyone who plays w/me knows i never say that fucking word!!!!!!!!


I fucking hate the fucking word!


You are a lying piece of shit!

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I didn't want to put a hand in this but this is seriously shdhiagbsjdnasjldhas


Strange does have have a history of disrespect but its only when he believe he has done nothing wrong. and most of the time it just for talking trash or shit talking.


We all trash talk on CSS, i do it too, but everyone knows that i'm never serious, calling my fellow players hoes, or fags but i never really mean it and its the internet, all fun and games.


Ganja your no saint yourself, you plenty of times said fag and occasionally shit talked but we dont do anything cause we know it's all fun and games. Strange has been on the server longer then you have so i know him pretty well. He shits talks, but it all fun cause whats the internet without trolls, haters, ragers, etc.


We all shit talk but its part of the fun in Jailbreak and CSS.

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This is my final say:


I am displeased with the unjustified kick


I came back with some rage.


I would like to see some justice, but its out of my hands.


I raged a bit more on this thread b/c I don't like it when people are lying about me or what I say.


I'm done.

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