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Fair Enough Sirs

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Alright, Fair Enough Sirs. The situation was this. Draxxx just jokingly types "!kick Draxxx "HSFFDslag1.mechatheslag.netSK :LHSDA:KHNSFDAJJ:LFAS:LJFSAFSA" Then Fair kicks him like 3 minutes later for advertising. Me and Shadowspy A.K.A Candy Corn didn't know why so we kept asking him and he kept saying he advertised. So me and Shadowspy scrolled up looking for it and we still couldn't find where Draxxx had advertised. So then Fair finally said "mechatheslag.net." So then Draxxx said that he wiped his hand across the keyboard and might've accidentally used the paste command. Well, then I saw that Draxxx did type mechatheslag.net inside of the kick message.. I then told Fair that it wasn't advertising because there were letters and things next to "mechatheslag.net". So then Fair disrespects me and Shadowspy by calling us "gangbanging assholes and chodes" and that he doesn't care about our "Bullshit squabbling". So then Shadowspy kicks him and then Fair says that he'll just let @@silence and @Aegean! know that a "Bullshit thread" is about to be posted.


See, I didn't see that Draxxx had even posted a "link" inside of the kick message so I really wondered why Fair had kicked him. So then I finally see it but I don't think it's even an advertise since it wasn't like a link where if you could click it, it would bring you to the site. He then disrespects us as a paid mod. I don't think that represents xG that well. And he thinks he's untouchable because he's friend with Silence and Aegean. Every single session I play jailbreak with Fair, he always breaks a rule. Now I know that since he's new it shouldn't be THAT big of a deal but he always tells me to "get off his case" when I tell him to read the rules (MOTD, Admin Handbook.) Shadowspy has also seen Fair fuck up a lot. So I really hope something will be done about this abuse/disrespect. @Aegean! @@silence @@serbiansnaga @@McNeo @DaKorean


I have included 12 screenshots to prove this. It may not prove what he has done in other sessions but it does prove what he has done today.


So Shadowspy has told me that he has banned Fair because he was warned with a kick as I have said up there^ and then he disrespected Shadowspy again. And it also looks like @@GanjaMonster has banned him for disrespect also.


Xeno Gamers

Xeno Gamers

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+1,I was there when it happened (A.K.A Candy Corn),after kicking draxxx,we asked why he did it, then we were argueing about if he advertised or not,When i saw the link in the text i wasn't saying much about it anymore, then he starts disrespecting me and Gengar calling us chodes etc., so i warn him, he continues, so i kicked him,then he comes back saying a BS post is about to be made and hes contacting silence and aegean, so then gengar tells me hes taking screenshots, so not much after that happens, but after gengar left he starts calling me a pussy,etc. so i kicked him(AGAIN) and banned him for 4 hours (The longest i could ban for disconnected players),then he never rejoined or anything afterwords.

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I was perfectly within my rights as a paid administrator to kick him for advertising, even if the link was not click able. I may have been harsh on him but that is not up for you to decide. Furthermore, the reason I called you guys 'Gangbangin assholes & chodes' was in retaliation to you constantly putting me under a microscope and looking for the smallest discrepancies in my enforcement in policies. It is obvious that you have motive to see my paid admin revoked other than me just 'breaking the rules' which I never did. Gengar, Draxx himself posted two times that he 'may have accidentally advertised' justifying my kick. The only person making xG look bad here is yourself, as the very person you were defending confessed to what he did. Since I was perfectly within the rules to kick him, anything I said to you afterwards was null and void, because I was defending myself from three moderators essentially cyber bullying me and making me believe I have broken the rules. Lastly, any rules you claim I have broken is an outright lie without any proof, but you already knew that.


I am requesting a formal apology, persuant with section 16 of the penal code of the United States of America. My character has been defamed both in Counter-Strike and on the boards, and I would like for you to rectify the damage. If you cannot do this, a civil suit may be pursued.





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I wasn't going to post this, but I will now.


I only fuck with people I know. I'm just now starting to fuck with Unit more and more as I'm getting to know him. If you don't know someone you don't mess with em. Fair posted this vote and I kicked him for it. I've played a total of one hour with this guy and I don't appreciate that he jumps in and starts sayin' shit like this.





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Personally i have seen him abuse and disrespect before, and i even have an extra screenie



This was before he had admin and before the "disrespect rule." Why would you withhold something like that.


Shadowspy I was there when you kicked/banned him which was unwarranted because you he didn't even rejoin after you kicked him and gave him a warning.

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Well, +1


Personally i have seen him abuse and disrespect before, and i even have an extra screenie



"I have seen" is not adequate proof.


Why did you withhold that screenshot, that was taken before I had admin, for so long. Do you have a grudge against me? It was taken before I was even officially accepted into xG, and has no validity...


Neo: I understand that you were upset when I made that vote, but I thought we talked about that and agreed it was a joke in poor taste.

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From the screenshots Gengar posted and the pic McNeo posted this is clearly disrespect. i believe he should be stripped of is admin powers First of all, why did you resort to calling shadow and Gengar "gangbnging chodes". This is what you do when under pressure and this is how you defend yourself? They were asking simple questions that only needed simple answers. Gengar and Shadow never called you anything, so why you? To be honest i never liked you, never will after this, but with this proof you were disrespecting two mods at once and you gotta face the music , even if this is a "bullshit post"

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K read through it all, very cute how serious has the screenshot from like a month ago.


Anyways he'll keep his 4 hours ban for calling you guys chodes and whatever, but the other member advertised, and then ADMITTED TO ADVERTISING. I have no idea how that is a freekick, an accident or not, he got kicked for it. Our policy is a ban usually on advertising, and as I said, the guy ADMITTED to it.


He's not getting demoted over this BS, you guys called him out on something he did right, I'd be mad as well, but no instead of apologizing to him, you guys egged him on. Whatever, he can keep his ban, not getting demoted though.


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