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osama ben person

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I want to make a statement without taking sides.


Its good he's dead, but I don't see any facts for informations about this. Right now it could just be a theory (again). The only sources I trust; CIA, NSA, ISA, and anyone from the SOF community.

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In my opinion, it's a great thing that he's dead because he deserved it. On the other hand though it could be a bad thing. His death could cause more terrorist attacks in retaliation.

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Lol, Bin Laden was a cover up on a CIA High Priority Mission gone AWIRE, funding by the US Military to provoke war to get the ultimate resource, with the problems USA is having with Russia, China, Japan, North Korea as well as other countries around the world they needed a cover up.


Don't believe everything the news says, things happen days before but then something else gets covered up.

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Lol, Bin Laden was a cover up on a CIA High Priority Mission gone AWIRE, funding by the US Military to provoke war to get the ultimate resource, with the problems USA is having with Russia, China, Japan, North Korea as well as other countries around the world they needed a cover up.


Don't believe everything the news says, things happen days before but then something else gets covered up.


everything is a cover up. just look at 9/11. obvious inside job is inside.




Part 1 of 4.

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Obama never would have addressed the country had he not been certain of this


Well the government has a history of lying and plus it could be a publicity stunt to get his revoted for 2012. If he does win he never has to release the fact that if we never killed him. It could be kept away from the public for ever!!! AHHH!!!

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Yeah, according to the people who hate Osama, Bush is worse than Osama by alot. He allowed the US to send the middle east back to The Stone Age, killing 1,225,000 Iraqi Civilians alone!! Not counting the other middle east countrys and whatnot. Now I'm not saying what Osama did was good, nor am I taking sides with him, but those who think that Osamas a 'terrorist' for funding the attacks on the US, then you should think that Bush is 100 times worse! He made our soldiers kill millions of civilians. So in my opinion, and this is just mine but I'd rather voice it then leave it be, Bush is a bigger 'terrorist' than Osama.


Sorry for ranting but I can go imams on about politics xD

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