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League of Legends Div Leader

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Hello everyone I notice we have a League of Legends Division .. Well I myself am very active on league almost every day I play and play I love it. Currently as I see it though there is no Div leader for it and I wish to get this Division up and going I notice a small amount of people 10-20 posting on the League section which is perfect. 20 People equals 4 Ranked Divisions and also 5 roles for each team. Jungler, Support, Ad, Ap carry, Mid and solo top it is perfect hell I'll even see to it we get these ranked games going regularly if you don't player League but would like to get into it please sign up using this link it really helps me and I am near to Medieval Twitch :D.




Summoner Name: Sniped0ut

Steam Name: xG Stence


Now I bet you are wondering "Yo Stence the division failed last time so why give it another shot?" Well hell because I'm Stence and I like to get shit done and yes I did say that looking off into the distance with a gleam in my eye! Now if you would enjoy a league division with regular events and ranked matches then please +1 this thread. Also you don't have to be level 30 to play with us if you are simply a noobie I will schedule community play dates and match up the low levels with higher levels so they learn and experience what it is to play with more skilled players.


Also this is in general because it would get zero attention in the league division forum section so I want this to be taken seriously. Here is all the people who are currently part of the League division sorry if being tagged annoys you. @@Chrono @Jaybreeze @@Phantasm @@TheRageWay @@Foxxy @@Jilldrone @@Reptar @@zPlooChi @@Stickz @@Oscar @@Jihad @@Unique @@Takibo @@Unit12p @@hgenigma If you arn't on this list I am sorry I know there is more of you but this is off the main thread which has not been updated in awhile. Also look at the League team speak channels there is mainly always people in them playing league sure they are not part of xG most of the time but I will make it my goal to get there asses in here!


Now if you have any doubt in you're mind just remember.






V I'm Ree Sin (Sig)

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JAYBREEZE FOR LEADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ruki aegean jaybreezy chrono and i have all been playing alot of LoL lately, Chrono and Breezy where ex div leaders im sure if the division get's populeted for ts or some shit they will wanna take back over.



I am easily 1 of the best players there is, all though not being level 30 i have a vast knowledge of the game, Because of my experience in Dota + HoN i will take the spot all though not being in the clan ^_^

I could probs join esports or Solomid if i wanted

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congrats rabid, ur div for rise of the immortals



I play LoL. My elo is shit. Anyone need a duos partner :3

I'm not active enoughin the xG LoL section to make a choice of who to be divleader, but I always see ATLEAST 5 people in the LoL TS so +1 to the idea of a div leader.

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In agreeance with Jay. we already have a Div, Jay and I are already in the process of remaking the ranked team. get on our level.



:afro: moo (get it?)


[if you don't get that joke. you won't be invited. jk... or am i?]

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On another point, why dont they just going xG anyways? why would it matter if your div leader or not. If you want to help out the division you should point people this way, not use them as a means for you to try and get promoted and what not

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1100-1200. i got myself rated at 1400 to start then just messed around cuz i thought i could get it back up if i wanted................wasnt the case

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On another point, why dont they just going xG anyways? why would it matter if your div leader or not. If you want to help out the division you should point people this way, not use them as a means for you to try and get promoted and what not

I am not trying to get power I notice the thing here.... I don't care if I get tsa or not I just want to help the division and have the power to edit and add new stuff to the LoL forums and make it bigger... We have nothing going on for it and you are doing nothing we have a vast population on the LoL community and you are inactive most of the time I myself play almost as much as I can. I am all for setting up multiple ranked teams assigning leaders to each one we have enough people hell I am even open to carrying out of elo hell if that is what It takes I don't want this division to die off I am not trying to steal power I just want somthing to get done.

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