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Armed Ban appeal

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If other people were using racism and also disrespecting, and he gets banned for saying bitch once, its a wrongful ban,You're supposed to warn first, kick, then ban, if he was banned immediately, then its not a fair ban, i guess it doesnt matter as much since hes unbanned anyway.

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"You're a bitch! You're a faggot!" > If you're saying that to someone and they clearly get upset because of it, how is it not disrespect? I thought they taught these things to people in kindergarten :/


i never called anyone a faggot, thats what the other guys were calling me and others on the server and no action was taken against them. i called them little bitches because they were saying they would get a mod to ban me for racism when i said nothing racist and they were the ones calling others niggas and faggots, etc.



What is not considered disrespect

The frustrated occasional cuss words. Everyone gets annoyed when playing video games.

Arguing over map choice.

Attempting to state your opinion in a non-malicious way



To deal with a disrespecting player you still must do the following:

• Warn the player about the disrespect with a gag or mute. AND tell the player why he/she was gagged/muted.

• Kick the player if disrespecting continues with an explanation of why they were kicked.

• If the player comes back and continues then it is a 6 hour ban. Do not skip these steps.

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If other people were using racism and also disrespecting, and he gets banned for saying bitch once, its a wrongful ban,You're supposed to warn first, kick, then ban, if he was banned immediately, then its not a fair ban, i guess it doesnt matter as much since hes unbanned anyway.


i was never warned nor kicked, i did say little bitch more than once to them but i wasnt warned not to, and i was definitely not the only one disrespecting, ask ganja and peppermint, the same guy was there after i came back from the ban and he was still trolling and being an asshole. he just stopped saying nigga cause a bunch of admins were on

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By the way, they weren't joking around, they were clearly trolling, in fact i believe the same guy was banned just today for DDOS threats. his name was cockenhan

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You'd probably cry if you ever came to the scrim server.


half the people who play on the scrim server cry...

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Just a couple of things to add here.


For Foxxy, The order for insults is warning to gag / mute to kick to 6 hour ban. I dont know what happened as I wasnt there, but this is the proper way to do so


For Armeds, its a 15 minute ban. You serious bro? If foxxy warned you multiple times and you continued even though the right way to punish you was not followed, you should be glad. It could have been a 6 hour ban. And now you are arguing against it?


So to sum it up arguing = bad. It disrupts the server and annoys people. Insulting = bad. It leads to arguments and hurts other people's feelings.

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Just a couple of things to add here.


For Foxxy, The order for insults is warning to gag / mute to kick to 6 hour ban. I dont know what happened as I wasnt there, but this is the proper way to do so


For Armeds, its a 15 minute ban. You serious bro? If foxxy warned you multiple times and you continued even though the right way to punish you was not followed, you should be glad. It could have been a 6 hour ban. And now you are arguing against it?


So to sum it up arguing = bad. It disrupts the server and annoys people. Insulting = bad. It leads to arguments and hurts other people's feelings.

yes i'm serious, it was an unjust ban considering i was doing less than they were and was banned, thats favortism and needs to be pointed out.


also if he warned me i wouldve stopped, he wasnt tagged and never warned me therefore you argument has no basis.


and yes insulting is bad, hence why they should have been muted/warned/kicked when they insulted half of us, yet they weren't.

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Whoops didn't notice 3 pages of log, one guy who was trolling got permed from last night and honestly instead of adding to a flame, try to stop it by taking proof.

Anyways 15 minute ban is over, and one of the main trolls got permed.


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