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Hmmmmm Part 2

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TL;DR: I'm leaving xG.


The long version:


I came to xG after my old clan folded and I hopped around a bit trying to find something I liked. I did, in fact, like it here. Never played JailBreak before. It's fun.


But after becoming mod then admin I learned quick why this clan has the turnover it does - It's really lacking management. The leader is the biggest abuser here, and while his shenanigans can be funny, it strips himself and most of the staff of the image of authority.


Myself and others have done and said plenty to try to "make a difference" and it all goes unnoticed. When an app gets -1'd no one cares to listen to the reasons, they just argue about it. Look back at your clan and mod apps guys, 98% of the people rejected are just because they don't meet the requirements for age or post count, other than that you let almost anyone in. There's too many derps on staff who give the staff a bad image and further degrade any image of authority.


It was recently described to me that this is a community and it therefor has it's cliques of people. That's bullshit. This is a gaming community. We shouldn't "have" cliques, we should "be" a clique. Aren't we all locked in our own dark world just coming online to shoot each other?


There's too many kids running around causing drama. A lot of derp staff members who give all staff members a bad image.


I don't wanna hear "Oh well why didn't you say something" or "Why didn't you bring this up" or "Well what if we do this..." No. Myself, and others, have tried. The corrupt division leaders and running their respective divisions under the guidance of blinded co-leaders who are all led by the most abusive troll of this whole organization.


Over the four months I've been here I donated almost $400. I created a program to help your community easily reinstall missing textures (which is a very common problem), I've put hours and hours of work into how-to write ups on the forums. I've help test new plugins. I've spent hours building up the Facebook page, developing OC, and trying to drive interest... And in the end I get a thank you from a couple people, while everyone else carries on without noticing and proceeds to ransack the place like a house party gone bad.


It's been fun playing here. I'll still come around. But I need to find a more mature community that is actually a community with respectable staff.

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Yeah honestly I do agree with a lot of your points. The clan has gone a long way from what it used to be. If you were here even 9 months ago, you would have seen the fun we used to have. It used to be what we supposedly are today. A "community".


People +1 people they don't know to get their post count up and other shit like that etc. But besides that you can't really do much about it you know? Over time I guess you can expect that as a clan grows, it becomes more exposed to the actual internet population. That comes with its trolls, and just overall assholes. But it also comes with friends. A ton of xG today is like family to me. Seriously. Not to say there isn't a bunch of people that seem to enjoy to make everyone else's time miserable.


And also as the clan grows, it begins to break apart. By that I mean your cliques comment. It's hard to keep up with the growing population so they resort to becoming friends with other smaller groups. Effectively making communities within the community. This is natural human behavior. As long as hostilities don't emerge between the groups it would be alright, but that isn't really the case for a lot of people in xG.


I would just like to say thanks Mcneo. I always kind of admired all the work you put in, at times I didn't even believe that you came up with all of this just for us. Honestly I even heard a remark along the lines of, " mcneo is trying to suck up to the leadership etc etc" I didn't say anything back but it seriously kind of pissed me off.


>tries to help xG


>hurr dur y u halp. U kiss up dur



I wish you luck with everything mcneo.


When an app gets 'd no one cares to listen to the reasons, they just argue about it.


I think that is a reasonable definition for our forums lul.




You will be missed.

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Damn. I kinda saw this coming, but that doesnt mean i wanted it too. You've put a lot of time and effort into this clan, and you will be missed. You were one of the few good ones...

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I won't delve into the subject except say you are correct, and say something no one else probably will:


McNeo, it saddens me too see another XenoGamers user leave. The time, money, sweat, and tears which you have put into this clan is one of the greatest contributions I have seen in my 12 Months here at XenoGamers. The role of leadership which you took here, and displayed truly made you a role-model of the community. For all I would like to speak on behalf of a large part of the community in saying.


Thank You, for your contributions

& Best of luck in you're future endeavors.

-Slipery Fingers

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You bastard! We never said you could leave! How dare you betray us!



But I understand where you are coming from and I love you. inb4 white text And you are fat <3

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Goodbye McNeo, you were honestly one of the best admins out there. I'm serious though, you were one of the admins I looked up to, you were a great role model of the mods of xG. I never thought you liked me, so I never really talked to you much. I will miss you man.

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I agree with every statement that he said he in my opinion is the hardest working admin in this community that does his job correctly it's sad to see him leave his adminship after the time he put in but I do see were he comes from and I agree with every word he said and maby more people will finally open there eyes. So good bye mcneo I can still poke you in steam though ;P

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I have never seen you in Teamspeak. I rarely see you in servers, when you are there you spectate. Whenever I see you post on forums, it is either to complain about a certain rule/person/predicament and has never been constructive.


While you may have created a set of tools that make the game easier for a few, and donated $400 which definitely helps, you chose to do these things and invest in a community that you claim is rotten. I think you were not really here to have fun at all, but to fulfil your administrative position, no more or less.


You complain about the leader of the clan setting a bad example when really, he rarely comes in and causes havoc, usually he is spending his time in Teamspeak and devoting his time to other things. You talk of people creating drama, but I think that keeps the clan interesting. What would we be without a little chaos and unruliness? We'd be a clan that was regimented like a Nazi war machine where no one had any fun. I understand your points to have role model admins, but what you ask for is too much.


In the end of your post you basically state that you don't want to hear anything anyone has to say, so my breath is probably wasted. Let this be a testament to anyone else who doesn't understand what the xG community is to get the fuck out now, because it isn't going to change. McNeo, you essentially blanketed several hard-working admins and co-leaders in your statement about the clan lacking management, when you are the biggest absentee Admin there is. I will probably be the only one who speaks up to you, and you will probably write my post off as some sort of personally motivated bullshit, but I say good riddance.

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I did come here to have fun. Like I said this was my first experience with JB and I loved it. I donated to the community and did what I could to support it and it's players. It's not until I obtained the position I was in that I was even able to see more of what was happening and to see the big picture.


It's no secret that I'm not in TS much, frankly because there's far to much idle chatter that - plainly put - gets on my nerves.


And to say I'm rarely on servers is an oversight on your part. I spend about 3-4 hours a day between MiniGames and CTF, and usually an hour or so in JB.


If I'm home, I'm on Steam, and people often contact me if they needed something and I can always jump in a server to take care of something.


And to say "get out because nothing is going to change" I think is also a mistake on your part. xG is a growing clan, always changing something, that's part of the 'tagline' if you will that you see on the Steam group. If you look at any of the other good bye threads the first things said are "Well what can be done differently" or "Why didn't you say something about _____".

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It was recently described to me that this is a community and it therefor has it's cliques of people. That's bullshit. This is a gaming community. We shouldn't "have" cliques, we should "be" a clique. Aren't we all locked in our own dark world just coming online to shoot each other?


There's too many kids running around causing drama. A lot of derp staff members who give all staff members a bad image.


The corrupt division leaders and running their respective divisions under the guidance of blinded co-leaders who are all led by the most abusive troll of this whole organization.


I'll still come around. But I need to find a more mature community that is actually a community with respectable staff.


You pretty much just said fuck you to everyone in xG but they stil come here saying "Aww goodbyeee".. I don't even..


Well uhh, the "cliques" happen in every growing social related organization? School, work, football team etc. People get along with some people more than they get along with others. Surprising.


Any gaming community is bound to have drama. Anywhere you are you will see, hear, or experience drama. You probably don't work well with others if you get this annoyed that easily.


And again, in a community as big as xG, there will be idiots. Idiots are everywhere. Especially on the Internet. We deal with them when other members seem they need to be dealt with. Again like at work or where ever.


The whole "corrupt division leaders and co leaders and leader" thing is your opinion and I personally don't care about it because the higher ups do try their best at what they do. Especially Aegean and Serbian. So to take shots at them is just stupid.


See ya~

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