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unban :(

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so heres the dealio. i completely understand what i did wrong and that i reflected the clan in a bad way. it was wrong, i was having fun but in a bad way.

id really love to be unbanned or at least shorten the ban by a few days because i didnt realize this but holy shit a lot of my free time revolves around xg lol. its only been a day and i feel bored out of my mind, i feel like there is literally nothing to do. just want yall to know that i wont do anything like this again, i might be a fucking troll and a giant ass hole (jokingly) at times, but im willing to hold it back for this clan and for my sanity because i have nothing to occupy my mind other than reading books ive already read and... yeah thats it lol.



so... whos dick do i gotta suck around here to get unbanned?

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+1 for unban. This guy is really active and as uncle said, he behaves for the most part, he should be given a second chance. Plus he's super sexy, 10/10 would bang.

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i know how u feel, but u should've known better than to go to another clan's teamspeak server and troll them, not only that, ive been having to deal with the xg-dev situation, and have been trying to patch things up between us, and to see xg members go and fuck up all that ive worked for with all the effort ive put in rly pisses me off.


sorry, but ull have to wait out ur week ban to give the message to other xg members that trolling other clans is a serious offense and can get u banned and/or kicked out of xg


-sealed away in the last great time war

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