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Mass freetaze/God mode/rule breaking

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Minecrack mass freetazed. Told T's to report to bottom cell stairs and mass freetazed. Though i have no proof of it, he had "god mode". After the mass freetazing he led the Ts around the map. He was constntly knifed yet did not die. He then led the T's into the armory, they got guns and constantly shot him and did not die.


I did not record the god mode, but here is mass freetaze:



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If he did godmode, & you're telling the truth, then i have no fucking clue why or how. But the mass free taze seems pretty harsh.. @@MineCrack you got demoted, got another chance, then this?

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So me and minecrack were asking how to do the tase grenade earlier. Evidently, he found out.




Basically the tase grenade is a bug where cts can tase other cts and mass tase ts where normally you can only tase one t at a time.


This bug was kept secret for a while by members. And now its.. well not. And i still don't know how to do it because no one will tell me :(

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oh and also this is why:




[xG:Ṁ] MineCrack ºαQº: silence gave me god mode to show star

[xG:Ṁ] MineCrack ºαQº: I did it

[xG:Ṁ] MineCrack ºαQº: then we did a follow the leader day :D

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I was given godmode because the Ts kept killing me. I was confirming a taser glitch for starbuck/silence. I had godmode for the rest of the round so I had fun and had a follow the leader day.

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I didn't want to do this, but since we were the ones responsible for finding the mass freetazing bug a while back, I brought it upon myself to post some stuff we've kept secret for quite a while now.

Fullbring's Tazer Nade Guide/Warnings

Please read and consider making mass freetazing a team ban-able offense, though it pains me to do so :(

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I didn't want to do this, but since we were the ones responsible for finding the mass freetazing bug a while back, I brought it upon myself to post some stuff we've kept secret for quite a while now.

Fullbring's Tazer Nade Guide/Warnings

Please read and consider making mass freetazing a team ban-able offense, though it pains me to do so :(

As I said, I had god mode to get it fixed. Which was given by silence. According to him it's already fixed. @Aegean! @@silence @@Starbuck

If this can be closed I would be appreciative.

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Ok, the following people are permanently banned for mass-tazing, free-shooting, general trolling, free-nading, and fondling goats:






I just find it funny that there's an abuse thread on MineCrack when silence and I were doing it the round before and people were even spamming "aboooose"


This was, however, a serious test of a glitch in the taser system where a user could mischievously use a grenade to tase an entire area. This glitch was patched thanks to MineCrack's diligence.

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