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Scrim tournament (Official Thread)

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Sign your teams up here. This is for the actual tournament, we must have 8 teams to sign up by 21st and the tournament will occur on the 22nd so the winning team can get 75 bucks so they can buy games from the steam summer sale.


The teams must enter the names of all their members here, must be willing to donate 20 bucks (this is a team entry fee, not a per member fee) and must donate to have a definite spot. The 8 teams will be posted below with - Paid or -Not Payed. You must donate the money to xG and have your captain's name as the name of the donator to enter your team.


No one is allowed to be in spec at any time during this tourny, and this will be played in our scrim server (2) cuz I believe that's our better server. The team names will be jumbled up in a hat, and the games are elimination style, you win you move on, you lose you're out of the tournament.


To start the game, the captains from each team will knife each other and winning player gets to choose the map first. The captain from the other team will choose the second map after a winner is decided from the first map. If it becomes a 1 - 1 then the captains will knife each other, and then a third map will be picked to determine the tie-breaker. The captain who loses the knife-fight of the tie-breaker can choose to be T or CT first.


Quick rules

1. No spamming

2. Do not be a douchebag

3. You can't have more then 1 Cevo-Main or ESEA-Main (or higher obviously) per team

4. Teams can be out of xG, but must not have been banned from xG servers for hacking, trolling or DDoS threatening ever.

5. Teams can not change players in the middle of the tournament, and can only have maximum 6 players per team signed up. The 6th person can sub for another player at any time during the tournament.

6. When you sign up your team, you must sign up every player that is entering the tournament in your team with your team name.


Herpes will be in charge of this tournament while I'm gone, and @@silence you need to deal with any donating issues.


So a few key points, we need minimum 8 teams to sign up and donate 20 bucks each, to have 160 dollars to xG, and winning team gets 75 bucks to their captain, to distribute to their teammates accordingly. If we do get more teams to sign up, the next number of teams to make the tournament bigger is 16 as it would be the only to be fair without a team advancing to another round without playing a team. If we do get 16 teams, then the winning team gets 100 dollars.


I'm leaving to my cottage in 4 hours but I figured doing this before I leave would benefit the community, cuz fuck sleep am I right? Anyways, take care guys, good luck on the tourny, if we don't find 8 teams by the end of steam summer sale, we can keep your donations and hold on to them for future tournys, you will be accepted into the next tourny with your team for free.

Bye guys!


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If anyone's not on a team and wants to join one PM me. I need members :3

And @OHMAIGAWD if I make a team I'll have to not be your sub :P

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4. Teams can be out of xG, but must not have been banned from xG servers for hacking, trolling or DDoS threatening ever.


does this mean herpes cant play or what?

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My team!!!!!!!1!!!! :3

Captain: Me of course


K sharp




We not that good compared to the pros like herpes!!!!!!! We'll try tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is Team Fnatic

1. Friis

2. Xizt

3. traceb

4. karrigen

5. MODll



6. Stence <---- Main Player

In it to win it! We played tournys you know... I was never there but in spirit I was because you know team fnatic dont need no subs. Il be in this anyways though ya know in spirit and so will our team.

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looking for a team ESEA-Open currently ranked 60 in aces


Play - Users - munchma_quchi


pick me up i need money




Implying you didn't just make a xenogamers account with their name and linking their profile. If you are him, why would you even play on this community. Stop lieing.


Edit: I didn't know he was in xg and was herpe's friend, my bad

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