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Tarping as CT

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I was recently CT banned for Tarping, and I would like to clear something up.


I am not asking for the Ban to be removed as I understand that it ended up killing multiple people and I accept the consequences, but I would like to avoid further incidents, whether it be someone else or myself.


In the MOTD under the Warden section it says "Tarping is ONLY after 3 minutes and 3 orders have gone by." The MOTD says nothing about Tarping as a CT that is not warden. What are the consequences of tarping, a slay, ct ban or is it the mod/admins decision? Would a tarp killing more than 3 people before 5:00 be considered mass freekill and treated as such?


Thanks in advance Pandaman09

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well only warden can give orders to ts, other cts can only ask ts to drop guns, nothing more. for tarping, it depends on how far the tarp has gone, if no one dies or someone says its a tarp, a mod/admin will step in and say that its a tarp, the warden isnt slayed cause no one died from it, however if someone does die from it, the warden is slayed, the more ts that die, the harsher the punishment basically.


if anything, avoid tarping at all costs unless its for simon says

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Serbian my case is special, now im not entirely sure how it started but at the beginning of day a few T's started to yell freeday over their mic and I as a CT jokingly yelled free day with them, at which time almost every T with a mic started to yell freeday. Later asked Chrono how many T's died because of me yelling freeday, to which he replied about 5. So this is why I brought up tarping because I was not warden and thus could not call a freeday, and tried to get more information on it. The reason I ask about punishment is because I was banned from CT for a day, which i thought was extreme at the time.


Sorry about any errors with spelling or grammer because I am writing this on my phone.

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If you taro when you arnt warden and people die from it you will get slayed, if nothing happens you will be told not to do it.

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>People complain about loopholes in MOTD

>People complain because MOTD is too long


It's really not rocket surgery. If you have to put that much work into making your point then it's obviously you're interpreting something far different from everyone else.

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Remember that?

The Ts were told to crouch to the closest corner of sauna, which required them to only crouch at their corner. Not to go to the next closest corner of sauna.


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In the MOTD under the Warden section it says "Tarping is ONLY after 3 minutes and 3 orders have gone by." The MOTD says nothing about Tarping as a CT that is not warden. What are the consequences of tarping, a slay, ct ban or is it the mod/admins decision? Would a tarp killing more than 3 people before 5:00 be considered mass freekill and treated as such?



Frankly it shouldnt have to go into any further detail than that because it says you can't do it. If it doesn't specifically list how certain parties may or may not use it, it should be implied that no one can. (T's do it sometimes, such as when they lie about what the orders are at the start to get people who aren't listening killed, but since T's have no authority over anything at that time in the round, they cant be blamed for it the same way a CT would be)


As far as consequences go, nearly all consequences can be at the admin's discretion depending on the situation. So, it probably doesn't need to be listed.

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MOTD also says that only the warden can give orders (except gun drops, etc).


Tarp or not, if a non-warden CT (or T) tries to give an order they should be warned/muted/whatever.

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Remember that?

The Ts were told to crouch to the closest corner of sauna, which required them to only crouch at their corner. Not to go to the next closest corner of sauna.

How does this have anything to do with the Main post?

Edit: I would also like to state that it is poorly drawn


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I don't think I need to say anything else on this matter, as a CT you should not tarp T's by saying it's a freeday because joke or not they will believe you which will result in them getting killed if you were lying. All the points have already been said so i'll just close this thread.

>Warden can only tarp after 3 orders and 3 minutes of the round has passed

>Only warden can give orders (other then drop gun)

>You as a non-warden but CT told T's it was a freeday, getting 5 people killed.

>You got day banned


No clarification required lol :P Anyways please make sure to read MOTD carefully to prevent future mishaps!


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