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Mods abusing to get away with rebeling.

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Okay. Today while playing a dustt the warden said an order while ganja was talking. The warden repeated his order several times after ganja stopped talking. Then most of the t's died because they didn't listen to his repeats. One moderator I saw did the orders wrong. I asked if I could kill him, the warden said yes. Then the mod said if I kill him he will ban me for freekilling. His excuse was he didn't hear the warden's orders while ganja was talking even though he repeated several times AFTER ganja finished talking. I didn't kill him because I didn't want to get banned. Finally another ct killed him after the whole argument. Then the mod ct banned him for a day because of that. I think that is bullshit. I think people like that should not even get mod.

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Make a admin report thread if you think he did a wrong thing. If mods or admins witnessed it they can post what they saw at least even if there isn't any proof.

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Trente im assume ganja was a CT becaue if he was a t he wouldnt be able to talk so i DOUBT GANJA WAS THE ONE WHO DID THIS just saying tho.

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Trente im assume ganja was a CT becaue if he was a t he wouldnt be able to talk so i DOUBT GANJA WAS THE ONE WHO DID THIS just saying tho.



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Yeah I'm not really following either. Lol.


If ganja banned him for a day it should be in the bans page. No maybes about it.

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No Ganja and I were playing on it, we were both Ts, and ganja had unmuted himself and talked to tell somebody who fucked up to stop. this went on for 15-20 seconds, and the entire time the warden was giving orders, I could not understand him. and the next thing i heard when ganja muted himself was do this by 705. i asked him to repeat and extend the time because ganja was talking over him. he told me "not my problem ganja was talking over me." at which point i told him "yes it is and admin was doing ADMIN BUSINESS which takes priority and precidence. repeat the orders." he did at that point which i then proceeded to do the correct orders, and for the next 3 minutes derp was CONSTANTLY saying "can i kill Ezreal? he wasn't doing orders right in the beginning." (i was under the name [xG:M] Ezreal) i told him the same thing i told uncle touchy (the warden) and that if he killed me it would be a freekill. he continued to micspam asking it, i told him that if he did it since it would be an intentional freekill i would CT Ban him if he did so. a minute went by and he was complaining that that would be admin abuse and so some other guy just ran up and shot me in the head, and said "there he's dead now" so ganja banned him for a day for PURPOSELY FREEKILLING and saying "ban me faggot" previously to him, and they complained about abuse and then after this they all proceeded to call us admin abusers, and disrespected us, which led to more kicks and bans.

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a ban might be a bit to much, if you ask me.

but he did disrespect a admin, how long is the ban?

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