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Calamity XenoGamers NEWS!

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Hey guys, Gabriel "LOLDEFUSE" Logreira here just to come and tell you some simple stuff that has happened within the past couple weeks.

So to start off, I would like to thank XenoGamers for the kind sponsorship and we hope to bring a good name to them :untroubled:.


A few days ago, they made a ESEA-IM predictions thread. We unfortunately did not make it into predictions due to the fact of our unstable roster at the time of the predictions.


We have our first match on Monday, August 6th, at 8:30 CST vs. Glockamole, a veteran IM team. Off-season has been a time of trial, changes, and most of all, practice. We have been preparing for nearly 3 months for this day. In my honest opinion, the hardest time for a team to stay alive is in pre-season, due to the fact that all tensions begin to rise during that time. But, we made it through!


So the first match of the season, as previously mentioned, is from a team that has been in Intermediate for nearly 6 seasons now! We have beat the before, and I have the utmost confidence in my team. We have sat down for hours in servers practicing our smokes, flashes, strategies and so much more.


So, as a little thank you for the community, we have found a person to stream the match so you can watch it LIVE! We will have the stream up 5 minutes before match time. Sadly, you will not be able to hear in-game calling as it is just a precaution.


You can watch the live stream HERE!


So the first three matches are going to be shaky. We only have 4 of our starters and no backups, so we will have to pick up a player and teach him how we play FAST. The player that will be out is Raphael "Takibo" Mederios, a former XenoGamers admin. He will be out due to vacation and so on. This will be challenging, but I believe it's nothing we can't handle.


]The starting 5 as of now.[/size]


David "dewyo" Huntsman - Awp

Gabriel "KITTENLOVER720 (LOLDEFUSE)" Logreira - In-Game Leader - AWP

Joshua "KITTENLOVER490" Davison -Rifle

Brandon "KITTENLOVER150 (Cocky)" Tran - Rifle

Matt "meolaaa" Meola - Rifle

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np, just focus on ur season thingy ma-bobber (not rly privy to the terminology of professional css), but good luck and hopefully u guys finish high up in the season :)

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Good luck the channel is already added so i dont need to add it to the xsplit, and if i dont have it sorted out tonight, ask @Aegean! , he knows what he is doing. my gfx card as i was broadcasting , died so im on my intergrated, thats why it was at 30ish, so i thought that this intel gma gfx was made for this but guess not. TO GET TO THE POINT use aegean, @Aegean!

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