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King of the Ocelots Application to Join: XG Clan

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I alert the Admins if there are any free kills, or campers. I also have creative ideas I could present to the XG community for the servers. I've been here at XG playing the Jailbreak server for over 3 weeks now, and I think this is one of the best communitys for CS:S.


Why me?:

1. I'm good at Photoshop, Programming, Coding and Building Computers

2. I'm smart

3. I play a lot, usually from 12 am to 4 am, because I like staying up late :P

Hope I get to join :)

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On jailbreak often, isn't a jackass to people and, if its true that you actually have a company at that young of an age, is most definetly mature. +1

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On jailbreak often, isn't a jackass to people and, if its true that you actually have a company and that young of an age, is most definetly mature. +1


The only way I could prove it to you is if you joined the live chat on my site, then I could tell you I'm King of the ocelots from XG.

But thanks for the support.

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Great guy, definitely knows motd and frankly, whenever i'm on, he is too (and i'm a fucking frequenter of xG:JB). Not to mention he owns a company at his current age, and as Gawd said, anyone who has a company at that age has Definitely got to be mature. Would make a great addition to the xG community


Plus he's a stud.

A: 9/10

M: 10/10


D: +1 get the HELL in here mang. (What white text?)


- Dat guy, Forest

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Great guy, definitely knows motd and frankly, whenever i'm on, he is too (and i'm a fucking frequenter of xG:JB). Not to mention he owns a company at his current age, and as Gawd said, anyone who has a company at that age has Definitely got to be mature. Would make a great addition to the xG community


Plus he's a stud.

A: 9/10

M: 10/10


D: +1 get the HELL in here mang. (What white text?)


- Dat guy, Forest


Thanks for the support forest :p

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A: 9/10



I hate to do this, but i'll have to -1 for right now. I've seen you spam chat a lot, and you don't know the MOTD (especially regarding specific types of days). Read over the MOTD, volunteer for Warden (if you have a mic), and PLEASE don't spam chat and I will change my vote.




Ill change to a +1, he's been a TON better... definitely much more mature



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well to me it seems you were doing good then fell some where i am -1 as well since all i have seen is rule breaking and general being annoying on the server as well joining in on others when they be being disrespecting some one :( not cool sorry shape up and i'll change it but till then


Alright, thank you for your input.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was actually being annoying.

But thanks for that, I'll improve.

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W: Nice and active on the server, just review the motd a bit and you should be fine. Also try to avoid arguments and use smart judgement before spamming chat.

A: 8/10

M: 6/10

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W: Nice and active on the server, just review the motd a bit and you should be fine. Also try to avoid arguments and use smart judgement before spamming chat.

A: 8/10

M: 6/10

Thank you for that support.

I try my best to follow the rules, but I'll try harder.

Thanks for the help.

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