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Jail Break coloring objects

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In Jail Break im sure that you all know you are aloud to color objects by using !hub and spending 5 credits to that object. the problem with that is people will color map games which will inter fear with a warden trying to play that particular game. i find it really frustrating when i am warden and i try to play a map game such connect four. someone will color the chips different colors and you can not indicate what color chip is where. my opinion about this is to take it out of the hub, so if you agree with me +1 this. if you dont, then go fuck your self or -1.

Thank you and have a nice day.


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Glass doesn't interrupt coloring object that you can color but also the coloring of objects isn't really all that bad since you can use your flash light and see the original colors

forgot the -1

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This is going to be hard to enforce considering you can't really tell who is doing it unless there are console logs for it.

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I think it should atleast cost more because when im trying to play simon says someone usually colors the pit...

But im not sure if I should +1 or -1 so ill keep it at a 0.

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lesbehonest. I'm +1ing this to retain myself from wasting 100 credits colouring each map.

so you can't just show restraint? :P HERES THE TROUBLE MAKER RIGHT HERE :D

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