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xG Clan Submission

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Well, I don't suck, but I am definitely not the best. I do have a computer which can run CS:S so I have little to no lag. Although there will be times where I have high ping(i dont know why). I have really, in my opinion, put my time in xG's servers, I have a trail and a tracer and I am glad they are working again. But really I just want to be dedicated to something and sense I really don't do that out here, why not in here. Thank you for reading and your time.

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Sucks at cs:s, probably tied for the worst player. Never respectful and always lagging... Probably has a dell laptop. *sarcasm*



A: 8/10



+1 for pity.


Knows motd, is respectful, is on a lot.. a great addition.

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Rowthar, careful with who you kill, because you do freekill a few times and more. But other than that you're fine. A good player, somewhat mature, kinda active, and not a dick. +1

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Omaigawd this guy is so sexy, we have hot steamy sex in front of the Ts in Jailbreak all the time. They're just jealous of us Rowthar.




He's a cool guy, very active, very mature, and over-all he would be a great addition to xG in my opinion.


M: 9/10

A: 8/10



by game time that means how many hours you've spent on the game, not what time it is.

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