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Calling mods/admins out.

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I for one, am getting sick & tired of people calling us staff out. Like, if you have proof that mods/admins aren't doing their job in-game, great. I'll be all for it, but until such time, please instead of saying "Mods/admins don't do their job", when it's only a few people.


Here's some solutions to having mods/admins who don't do their job;


1: Get some FUCKING PROOF that they aren't doing their job, or refusing to come in to help.


2: Stop COMPLAINING that we're not doing our job. We can't just do whatever members tell us, people could just be ganging up on an individual trying to get he/she slain/kicked/banned e.t.c.


3: Message us on steam or TS. There is ALWAYS (practically) a mod or someone on ts with powers who can help. It's not hard to go "Hey, can you get on jailbreak. There are rule breakers here".


4: RECORD A FUCKING DEMO. You guys keep saying "There are rule breakers who keep freekilling people & baiting & other shit". Well if they're constantly doing it, you think you can record it?


All in all, we can't read minds, if there are rule breakers & we're not on, we can't just magically know that they're on. You gotta help us, so we can help you.

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@JoshThomson maybe you can help me, you say upload demos but when I try to do a demo, it says .dem is an invalid file on the upload page. Am I doing something wrong? I had one named "derp.dem" and found it on the Attachments button > then uploaded it, but it said its invalid. It seems to only do this for CSS demos, and seems to work fine for Gmod demos.

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Well, you have to download the demo. Once you download it, click show in folder. Copy the folder. Go to "my computer". Go to where you have steam. Click steam, steam again. Your account name, then save it in that folder. Once you do that, go into CSS, type in console "Demoui" click "load" then find the file, & click "Play"


For making a demo, type "record <name>" in console. When you're done, type "stop" in console. Once done, exit game, use an uploading website, I personally use CLICK HERE. Upload it there, then copy the link to the download. Simple.

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Josh you speak the truth brotha! I get this same "mods aren't going there job" crap on GO a lot when all I hear is "I got freekilled!" or "Blah Blah Blah freekilled me!". Its really hard to catch people too with Global offensive having no Free-camera spectate. Then people who go on our JB server on GO never read the rules and get pissed of at the mods/admins cause they break them and don't like the rules.

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Resign if you don't like this stuff. Comes with the job. Always has, always will.


For the year and whatever that I had powers, that never changed.


Just look at any nation. The people will always complain that their officials aren't doing their jobs right and believe that they themselves can do so much better. Welcome to Earth.

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