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R.I.P. Cristo xG:A

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Admins In-Game Name: R.I.P. Cristo xG:A

Admins STEAM-ID: STEAM_0:0:21986305


Your In-Game Name: Lollerskater

Your STEAM-ID: STEAM_0:1:2378156


What server did this happen in: Jailbreak

What exactly did the abuser do: Slayed me multiple times for "vent camping" and "not being with Ts". I caught him doing this once on demo.

Did they state a reason prior, if so, what was the reason: See above.

Did it affect other players: Sort of. Some people were wondering why I was slain. Of course, the people I killed for going through vents thought they were freekilled because I was hot on their tail after routinely checking vent hallway.


Explain the entire situation here: See the demo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RXeXn3Gg1U


The round begins normally, "out of cell - rebel" is called (I skipped a bit late into the demo). I run through the hallway containing vents and stay with the Ts in the main cell block while running back to vent hallway to make sure nobody is rebelling every few seconds or so. Cristo not only considers this "not being with Ts", but also "vent camping". The demo shows me getting slain for probably the third time for the same actions.


YouTube encoded the demo in lower quality than I would have liked.


Edit: HD version (180 MB) is here... MediaFire

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thats not even vent camping.... he was constantly moving and that backarea isnt even a vent theres 2 doors on either side nor was he just standing at the vent he was moving thru +1 abuse =/

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that particular slay was aboose so i will +1 but even Cristo stated in ts3 they they did it for multiple rounds sat on each end of the hallway and watched the vents i would go with that, the ct should not sit there and check if the vent opens if its already opened you cannot sit there and wait for ts to come out of it. @@Cristo get ur input on this

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I will talk to Cristo, I honestly don't think he should be demoted from this mishap, this is just a good wake up call for him, if anything else he will be demoted if seen abusing again, but he is a great Admin and i'm sure it won't happen again.


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