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Opinions from xG!

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So I am wondering on some feedback from xG. As Co-leader, I am wondering about some of the things you guys are looking forward too, what you guys want and what you guys don't want.


Some examples.

1. Maps you want removed and why

2. Maps you do want and why

3. Servers that you would want us to put up and why

4. Games you guys would want us to include in our community

5. Things you like in the community

6. Things you don't like in the community (no names and no douchebaggery)


Also some misc.

1. Things you want me to do (either contests, tournys, streams etc)

2. Events you want to see

3. Games that are coming out that you are looking for


This is just a thread for the community. Do not reply on a suggestion or opinion, just comment on the suggestion or opinion as an actual comment so it doesn't spam the thread.

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No. Fuck you.


But seriously:

3.) Scoutzknivez. - So I can noscope the shit out of kidz.

5.) The cute guys, obvi.

6.) You.


1.) ;)

3.) Black Ops II and Fallout 4 are the most important.

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1. 50% of the maps on MG to be replaced with new maps.

2. ^ Above, any maps, but something different.

3. Ragnarok Online - Left 4 Dead 2

4. Ragnarok Online - Left 4 Dead 2

5. That I can say nigger and faggot freely.

6. kids.


Also some misc.

1. Contests is a good idea, maybe forum contests too, too keep it active.

2. No JB for a week event.

3. none


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2. meh, mixin it up wont hurt

3. cs:go pub. minecraft hunger games. free minecraft to play said hunger games.

4. Strip poker

5. Players. Friends. Awsome servers.

6. Not being able to admin disrespect a little. 20 cs:s mods who i never see on and 10 more that shoudnt have it to begin with. Not being able to delete posts.

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My only thing i have a problem with and its pissing me off is that hub doesnt work fully on surf. only trails work, hats,HLDJaccess(which i have), sunglasses..NOTHING ELSE WORKS.

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We need new MG maps, and a scoutz knives would be sick :)


Also, POSSIBLY, another scrim tourny. This one, more organized with dates for matches and shit! That'd be sick!

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1. Most of RPG surf maps and replaced with newer/better ones

2. Rebel Resistance

3. ScoutznKnives

5. Mature section on the forums (16+ age required for access)

6. Alot of little immature kids


Also some misc.

1. forum contests and servers tournaments would be cool

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So I am wondering on some feedback from xG. As Co-leader, I am wondering about some of the things you guys are looking forward too, what you guys want and what you guys don't want.


Some examples.

1. Maps you want removed and why

2. Maps you do want and why

3. Servers that you would want us to put up and why

4. Games you guys would want us to include in our community

5. Things you like in the community

6. Things you don't like in the community (no names and no douchebaggery)


Also some misc.

1. Things you want me to do (either contests, tournys, streams etc)

2. Events you want to see

3. Games that are coming out that you are looking for


This is just a thread for the community. Do not reply on a suggestion or opinion, just comment on the suggestion or opinion as an actual comment so it doesn't spam the thread.

1. I will need to make a list later.

2. BETTER FUCKING BHOP MAPS current ones suck major D. And if we got a new minecraft map I would be very fucking happy

3. Scoutknives, dm gungame (instant respawn)

4. Maybe a WoW guild?

5. The people/servers

6. Some of the people



1. JB contests (biggest ammount of kills with a bomb (FF day or not))

2. idk

3. only MoP, New Halo, new CoD


If you met these requirements I would pretty much donate my life to you along with monies.


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Functional scrim tourneys hehe :3


I'm excited for halo 4 and for bf3 on pc once I can finally save up enough for a decent build.. I currently have to play it on an xbox.. which is just shit. Excited for borderlands, not the new cod.


If I could choose something that I don't like about the community, its how serious everybody can get. We are a gaming community but everyone freaks out over everything lol. Honestly. Admins do their jobs preventing rule breakers but sometimes I find admins go out of their way to find the smallest possible reason to slay somebody. Being an admin is about being fair to all, not just being able to slay somebody to do it. Focus more on letting everybody having fun rather than your personal vendettas against somebody.


And about the seriousness, people gotta chill sometimes lol. Some situations clearly need dealt with, but some people I find cry about small things like they are small children.


But either than that. I think we should have teamspeak parties more often. That shit's fun. Chrono's sexy.

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Things that I would like to see:

-Free-roam spectate camera plugin for CS:GO would be AMAZING

-Removal of the Radio on our GO servers, preferably JB


-I noticed that HG had a "History" section on their website that explained how the clan came about, maybe we can haz too?

-DayZ xG server

-!hub in GO

-"READ THE DAMN MOTD" to be spammed in the JB GO server chat every 10 minutes (Okay, maybe not that much)

-Kick-ass plug-ins for CS:GO


Things I love about our community:

-All of you. Every single member in this clan gets a free hug from me.


Misc things:

-I'm really excited about Far Cry 3. That game will rape Halo, CoD, AC3, and any other game soon to be released.

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