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Resident Evil : Retribution

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So I just got done watching this movie. I'm putting this thread in general to share how awful this movie was with you all. Like I thought the third was bad, but this just brought everything to a whole new level.


There was terrible acting among a multitude of other problems with the movie. I'd just implore you to not waste your money on watching this trash.



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The first two were amazing and actually did the series justice. These last two have been horrible, and the fifth will probably be the worst.

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Residentl Evil had potential for shitness since the first movie with those fucking animal-zomnies.

The second one was awful as well. Fucking Pastrana jumps over a goddamn church shooting a zombie mid eye.

The only thing I liked about the 3rd one, is the fact that it's set on day time.

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So the movies are going downhill too, huh? One of my friends saw this movie as well and he said it was pretty bad.


The only Resident Evil title I've had the chance to experience is Resident Evil 4 (the game). Still looking forward to trying RE6 for the PC next year, despite the mixed reviews.

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Hand to god, after watching the new Resident Evil movie, I had thought that a bunch of cosplayers got the money to make a movie starring Milla Jovovich. It was That bad. The acting was just.. So.. ******* ***.


However; the animated versions, as MineCrack said, were great. They kept the storyline going leading from RE4 (Degeneration) and Before RE6 (Damnation).


I'm just the guy who prefers that they stick to the main aspect of the game without altering it out of proportion.


- Dat guy, Forest

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