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Make Paid Staff have less power than real staff

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This is what I'm saying, paid mods/admins should not be invincible from slays/gags/mutes/silences by there non paid staff.



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If people are going to pay for admin/mod let's not make them have equal powers as the ones who earned it.

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it should be pm < M/PA < A


PM/PA shouldnt have perm ban, incase they fuck up and no body says anything about it. they should have to prove themselfs

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I've explained this before, making a brand new rank and adjusting the restrictions and basically starting from scratch is such a pain in the ass, something that Silence or Starbuck would not do as it is not worth it. They have their tags and if they cause problems, you can let someone higher up know, or post proof on forums.


Btw "If people are going to pay for admin/mod let's make them have equal powers as the ones who earned it." They do have equal powers as the ones who earned it lol, mods can't target other mods and admins can't target other admins. I do feel bad it has to be this way but too many mods and admins abused on their own ranks whenever they disputed over something.

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I do feel bad it has to be this way but too many mods and admins abused on their own ranks whenever they disputed over something.


this..... seems..... like someone...... familiar........


(not counting the withing TS trolling done to eachother.)



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They pay like 50 bucks to get that rank and you think they will perm someone for no reason to get demoted?


i never said for no reason did i? to let you know there are some who dont know the MOTD for shit and buy admin they could make perm someone something dumb and the PA/PM could thinkhe was allowed to =/ it happens even with new mods not often but still

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i never said for no reason did i? to let you know there are some who dont know the MOTD for shit and buy admin they could make perm someone something dumb and the PA/PM could thinkhe was allowed to =/ it happens even with new mods not often but still

this i think we should have at the very least some sort of quiz before giving out paid mod and admin because no offense to agh but it scares the shit out of me when we have some one with admin powers who is asking me what they should do because he doesn't know the MOTD well enough

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Yeah I made a thread about this exact same thing ages ago, and while I personally agree with the suggested order, you gotta see what aegean means.


It would take a lot of work to get all that shit going. If to you its a matter of respect, either way mods and admins will be looked up to more than payed mods and admins regardless of the order.


It does seem kind of strange that a payed admin can overule a veteren mod for example. But thats just how it is. If the payed admin fucks up its ground for demotion anyways.

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